Avatar Connection

Simulated game show on the Xbox 360.


Avatar Connection is a game developed and published by DigitalDNA Games for Xbox 360(Xbox Live Indie Games.) The game simulates popular dating shows which appeared on television.

The game is a minimal and loosely guided experience where players, via Xbox Live are expected to interact and create there own game-play online with other players via voice chat using their Xbox Avatar to represent themselves.


The game is set on the stage of a TV studio. The player can choose to either be the main guest on the show, a contestant or in the audience. The main guest sits on stage while contestants appear in the large onstage screen, they audience member can watch the experience. The main guest essentially controls the experience by being able to switch between contestants asking them questions, while the audience watches. At any time the main guest can elect to pick any of the contestants. At this time everyone else is booted out of the session and the two players, the main guest and the selected contestant are placed in a private chat room. This is depicted as the two players sitting on a beach, the fiction being they are won a trip on the show.