Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers New Generation

Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers New Generation (2008)

Soul Hackers New Generation is a game based on Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers. The setting is a network game where summoners can battle with demons against one another. The player's role in the game is to compose teams of demons and give orders in combat, while not directly participating themselves. Challenge Battle and Free Battle are the two modes players can fight in. Free Battle allows summoners to raise their demons. Challenge Battle is a ranked challenge with increasing difficulty as a player's rank goes up. There are a total of eight ranks within the game with the ultimate goal being the rank of master summoner. Magnetite plays a role in how many demons a summoner can have out and each defeated demon requires magnetite to be summoned again. The game is over when players run out of magnetite and cannot summon more demons.

  • Release Date: August 13, 2008
  • Developer: Atlus


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