Pitit Bac

Pitit Bac (2020)

The good old Categories word game in a simple, fast, clean and real-time version. You can either play with the classic categories or write your own to open up a whole new game where players have to come up with ideas in crazy categories! Suggestions are available if you run out of ideas. Players are given a letter and have to come up with something (a word or phrase) that fits each category within the (configurable) time limit. The first player to find something for all categories ends the round. Then all players vote on the other players' answers to determine if they agree with the propositions. Valid answers are worth 10 points, unless someone else has also answered the same thing (in which case it is half of that). Invalid answers score nothing. These scores can be configured. Available in English and French. No account needed, jut click the link and play.

  • Release Date: April 14, 2020
  • Developer: Morel Games


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