My Little Pet Girlfriend

My Little Pet Girlfriend (2020)

You've got a bad reputation at school. Teachers aren't a fan of you and the other students seem to be afraid of you. However, you're just a little misunderstood. One day after school, you come across someone abusing one of the hamsters the school keeps and you decide to intervene and teach the jerk a lesson! But… this gets you in more trouble than expected when the headmaster says you're getting expelled for beating up another student! Luckily, one of the teachers is on your side and lets you go easy, and instead, you get assigned community service by helping out the school's small animal research club! There you meet three very cute girls that are extremely passionate about little animals like hamsters, rabbits, and ferrets! You don't seem welcome at first but you decide to accept your fate helping them out. However, you soon discover that there's a secret reason these girls are so passionate… In fact, they are animal girls! With your reputation on the line, will you be able to help these girls and keep their secret safe?

  • Release Date: September 4, 2020
  • Developer: Genius Studio Japan


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