Those Nights at Rachel's 2: Reloaded

Those Nights at Rachel's 2: Reloaded (2018)

Two years after the events of Those Nights at Rachel's, errors begin to manifest within the fabric of the system, causing sensory and auditory hallucinations for its most dedicated following. On a rush to prevent backlash from the general public, the administrators of the 'TNaR' project push forward to develop a backup operation to their virtual-survival experience, designed with a new stable structure to permanently maintain hegemony whilist appealing to a new wider demographic. Your job? Make sure everything works according to plan for the release of the new project. Welcome to the New Doug and Rachel's faithful beta tester! We hope you enjoy your stay; because this is the last one you're ever going to get.

  • Release Date: April 1, 2018
  • Developer: Nikson


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