Pokémon Nameless FireRed Project

Pokémon Nameless FireRed Project (2016)

- Physical/Special Split - Gen IV - VI Attacks, Abilities, and Items - Mega Evolutions - Removed those badge stat boosts because they aren’t at all fair - Expanded dex, every non-legendary Pokemon obtainable in some way - Proper forms for Pokemon like Kyurem, Arceus, Burmy, and even Unown - Hidden abilities along with a conscientious distribution of crazy ones like Ninetales’ - ORAS level-up movesets, except for non-existent moves - 120 TMs - Added Pokemon generation methods saves Kanto from feeling crowded - Hidden Grottos, pedometer-based Honey Trees, Swarms - Field effects for abilities such as Synchronize, Magnet Pull, Cute Charm, Compound Eyes, and Flame Body etc. - Dynamic dex areas to indicate swarms and roaming - Updated non-berry oriented Pickup table

  • Release Date: March 27, 2016


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