Quest 64: Hard Mode

Quest 64: Hard Mode (2022)

Quest64 Hard Mode at it’s core is a difficulty mod of the original story that ended up getting many more changes beyond just difficulty. A shortlist of most notable features would be - UI Hud is always visible. - Stat Growth and Stat Caps are changed. - All Monster stats are modified (Most cases being 1.5X rounded up). - Some Monsters were given specific tweaks to make them much harder than the average. - All “Spirits” are in new locations. - Some Treasure Chests have had their contents altered. - Many spells altered, Rebalancing, Deleted, some New Spells entirely. - Each “Element” is more closely balanced, so that players don’t feel forced to go Earth/Water. - Item Effects changed - 6 New “Items” added (2 of them have a default Icon of “White Wings” as I’m not a sprite artist) - Unused BGM’s have been used in certain areas. - The Start of leaving the Monastery is faster. - Mammon’s World Changed Slightly. - And more…

  • Release Date: March 4, 2022
  • Developer: Landmine36


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