Chrono Trigger: Schala Edition

Chrono Trigger: Schala Edition (2018)

What if... Schala escaped from the Ocean Palace? Chrono Trigger fans have been imagining what might've been for almost twenty-five years. Now, for the first time, an extensive ROM hack explores that question in Chrono Trigger: Schala Edition! By the same author who created the Golbez Edition and General Leo Edition hacks of Final Fantasy IV and VI, this hack alters events so that Schala survives the Ocean Palace disaster. Magus leads Marle and friends on an expanded adventure through 12,000 BC in search of his sister, with a promise to help them retrieve their lost Crono... but only if they help him first. New locations, enemies, bosses and scenes await, ending in one of gaming's most long-awaited reunions. While recognizably based off of Ted Woolsey's original 1995 translation, this hack features an extended and polished script, new Techs, new items and weapons, and lots of surprises along the way, bringing maximum nostalgia while also offering something new. Other changes include: an expanded version of the original Ted Woolsey translation, new items and Techs, new enemies and dungeons, new locations and NPCs, new shops and treasures, and a lot of surprises along the way. More alterations are explained in the readme. 2.2 is a cleanup of 2.1, including typo corrections and repairs to minor bugs. The primary game content is not altered.

  • Release Date: December 23, 2018
  • Developer: Fauntleroy


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