I Cant Give You Any thing

I Cant Give You Any thing (2023)

I Cant Give You Any thing is a set of 27 (to be ~29) MBF21 speedmaps, mostly by me, primarily themed around usage of monocolor textures, HOMs, "ugly/distracting/disorienting" textures like FIREBLU, visual disorientation, perception fuckery, etc. All of my maps were made within ~30 minutes to 2 hours each, with the guest maps being more variable (4-6 hours in some cases). Gameplay-wise, maps are mostly slaughter-y, with some of them on the side of macroslaughter and others being much more compact. Inspirations for my maps vary wildly, but mostly take from music and other art that I like outside of Doom.

  • Release Date: August 1, 2023


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