Fire Emblem: Drums of War

Fire Emblem: Drums of War (2023)

A familiar sun set over foreign soil. The Aulestri pulled back, leaving swathes of their own behind, their fierce legions left broken against the rag-tag militias of the Federal Guard. It wasn’t enough. It would never be enough. Tomorrow, the legions would resume the attack; rested, reinforced, against starving, demoralised and desperate conscripts. Tomorrow, the Guard would break… FE: Drums of War is a full campaign total conversion hack, that implements a wide array of custom graphics, QoL patches and unique objectives, while still operating within the non-SkillSys GBAFE framework. It features 22 chapters, a cast of 46 playable characters and over 50 complete support chains, as well as a number of non-essential secrets. It aims to tell a nuanced, grounded story, without reverting to tired cynicism; no matter how dark the hour, it is strength to be found in each other, and a new day will always come. In gameplay, emphasis is placed on decisive, aggressive play to deal with tight, hard-hitting enemy formations that will overwhelm passive play and outflank lowmanning. It is probably closest in difficulty to Radiant Dawn’s Normal mode, or the Hard/Classic setting of more recent titles, and is designed to be ironman-friendly with clear signposting, a tough lord, and a constant stream of available recruits. An easier campaign with Casual Mode implementation is planned for a future release.

  • Release Date: April 22, 2023



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