So 2 Mice Walk Into a Bar...

So 2 Mice Walk Into a Bar... (2020)

In the adolescent year of 2018, one "stick mice in my head and then beat my head in with a hammer and let them back out" was birthed into the world via a purulent sludge. Quick, hasty, raw, it ended up being a moderate success. "So 2 Mice Walk Into a Bar..." is not a sequel to that. There is no JUMP Team here. In fact, we hate JUMP Team now. This is instead a spiritual successor which focuses on the most fun aspect of "stick mice..." (quickly designed levels focused around an ASM gimmick of sorts) without the limitations of "stick mice..." (begone sole C3 resources!). Much of this hack was designed during the month of December 2019, hastily and under the influence. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it.

  • Release Date: January 16, 2020
  • Developer: S.N.N


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