Counter-Strike: Source Offensive

Counter-Strike: Source Offensive (2022)

Ever wanted to play CS:S just like CS:GO but tired of simple model-changing mods? Then this mod is for you! This is a mod for Counter-Strike: Source, which brings a lot of gameplay features from CS:GO into CS:S, such as: All weapons from CS:GO (really, all of them!) All player factions from CS:GO Panorama-like HUD Even all agents from CS:GO! (you can switch them in-game whenever you want) Loadout system (for example, you can use either P2000 or USP-S, depending on what you prefer!) Gloves that you can also change in-game! Complete CS:GO shooting mechanics (spray patterns, etc) New gamemodes: Deathmatch (normal and FFA), Arms Race, Flying Scoutsman, Wingman CS:GO shaders: Character, WeaponDecal, CustomWeapon and improved phong shading for VertexLitGeneric CS:GO postprocessing VScripts Molotov & Decoy grenades Playing as bots when dead CS:GO player animations (v0.10 and above: from the current CS:GO build; below v0.10: from an old CS:GO build) Ironsights New cash award system (award for defusing/planting the bomb, different kill rewards for different weapons) All CS:GO radio commands CS:GO viewbob Weapon inspection New sounds from CS:GO (footsteps, hit sounds, etc) Unique hands viewmodel for each faction Unique voice for each faction (bots included) Carrying hostages just like in CS:GO Different grenade throw ranges CS:GO C4 logic (radio message 4 seconds before explosion; it will explode 1 second after going off just like in CS:GO) Unique voice lines for each grenade throw English and Russian translations

  • Release Date: June 15, 2022


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