Masterpack for Doom II

Masterpack for Doom II (2024)

The 'Master Levels for Doom II' is a grab-bag collection of various unstructured, unorganized WAD files, all made by various map authors with a wide variety of styles and design conventions. Most of the authors involved in the project, made these maps with the intention of them being a part of larger episode or campaign overarching a certain theme even before being contacted by id Software for this project of theirs. However, not all maps made by these authors were accepted by id Software, being later released freely by their creators after the fact, with some of them even continuing their work further, beyond the original submitted level sets. The Masterpack works by taking everything made by the authors past, present and future to the original Master Levels release and bringing it together in a single WAD file for your enjoyment. All 45 relevant (plus 1 bonus) map are now fully playable as 5 separate, organized episodes. And with this, you can now properly enjoy the works of Doom's early great authors, some of early Doom's most timeless work.

  • Release Date: August 8, 2024


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