60 Minute Marathon 2

60 Minute Marathon 2 (2024)

60 Minute Marathon 2 is a 74-map MBF21-compatible gigawad made (mostly) in a single hour, just like last time, but with more than twice the friends, including me, @Synami, and new friends @Phoenyx and @OverflowingMocha, twice the "production quality" as last time, and even a completely bespoke soundtrack made by Phoenyx! Much like the first 60 Minute Marathon, this was mostly a fairly simple yet somewhat extreme mapping exercise, this time with four mappers all making 16 maps over an hour and deciding to jam them all together at the end alternating between each mapper, with maps only being edited after the designated hour to actually make them possible.

  • Release Date: August 23, 2024


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