Polymega Collection Vol. 2: Karate Champ

Polymega Collection Vol. 2: Karate Champ (2024)

Revisit the origin of one of gaming's most popular genre's with DATA EAST'S KARATE CHAMP, the first one-on-one fighting video game. Released in 1984, Karate Champ quickly became a worldwide arcade hit, gaining the attention of a growing video games industry with its innovative dual-joystick control scheme and unique emphasis placed on precision movements and timing. This collection of classic 2D fighting games features the pioneering KARATE CHAMP arcade game, alongside it's action packed spiritual successors FIGHTER'S HISTORY and FIGHTER'S HISTORY DYNAMITE/KARNOV'S REVENGE. This Double Disc Polymega Collection release also includes a bonus disc version of Fighter's History Dynamite compatible with Polymega as well as the original Neo CD system.

  • Release Date: November 2, 2024

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