Crosstown Carnage

Crosstown Carnage (2024)

Crosstown Carnage is 1 large map that was originally conceived as a mini-episode. After clearing the aliens out of the West Coast of the USA, Duke heads back east to start the cleanup there. From the tops of skyscrapers, Duke will have to navigate the city's old subway system to find where the Battlelord has been hiding. Crosstown Carnage contains two new alien types: the Freeze Trooper and the Expander Trooper. The Freeze Trooper fires freezer blasts at Duke. These pack a punch, but won't immediately kill you. The Expander Trooper fires blasts of microwaves which will fry Duke. Hit enough, and Duke expands until he explodes. Both may drop their respective ammo when they die.

  • Release Date: December 10, 2024