One of two flash games created for to promote their second album, "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge". The game follows a Saint tasked with resurrecting the Demolition Lovers (the protagonists of the first two MCR albums). The first three levels involve flying around collecting keys and avoiding ghosts bouncing around the screen. The Demo Man is then taken through the hospital catacombs where the Saint must fly through barriers and avoid fire. Upon exiting the catacombs, the Saint is tasked with collecting electricity for the defibrillator paddles to revive the Demo Man. Similar to the first three levels, the Saint flies around the room collecting bolts of electricity while avoiding viruses. Once resurrected, the Demo Man tells the Saint to go back to get his wife. The player repeats the actions of taken to save the Demo Man, this time with an increased amount of ghosts as well as the gunman from the introduction of the game. After venturing through the catacombs and avoiding the last batch of enemies to collect enough power to resurrect the Demo Woman, the Demolition Lovers finally have Revenge. This game is also still playable on Albino Blacksheep.