A is for Aardvark

A is for Aardvark (2025)

While wandering through the savannah, Kevin suddenly feels an appetite building up. If he were a human being, then he would have had a serious problem. Kevin, however, is not a human being but an aardvark. For him the absence of a McDonald's franchise doesn't mean certain death from starvation. Normally he would simply hurl out his tongue towards the first ant or termite crossing his path, but not today. Under the influence of narcotics Kevin's head has become detached from his body, making it too hard to catch anything all by himself. This is where you come in... Press 'A' to let Kevin Aardvark know when to stick out his tongue. Every time you catch an ant, Kevin's head floats to the right. Because this is where the ants are coming from, your job becomes increasingly harder. Every ant you miss will cost you a life, and you only have three of those. After that, it's game over. But should you manage to catch 30 ants, then Kevin has had enough, and you will win the game! Afterwards, press any key to play again.

  • Release Date: March 4, 2025
  • Developer: BASIC 10Liner


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