
Dispatcher is a first-person horror with RPG elements. The game takes place in the near future on a spaceship “Dispatcher” which crew got into an accident and trapped with alien monsters.

Space is a hostile place and danger is around every corner. Dispatcher does not attempt to dispel that myth. Players find themselves in the midst of an extraterrestrial infection where a combination of RPG and shooter elements must be mastered to escape alive.

Enemies vary in strength from simple cannon fodder to the invincible. Even the slightest touch by some of the grotesque space monstrosities will render the player dead. As the player stumbles through the dark atmosphere of the game, some enemies are silent and provide little warning to the impending doom they will release.

If the player is good enough they can collect the proper key cards which unlock specific doors to further progress and escape the astral grave the ship has become. Character classes provide different skills and change the game play slightly while leveling up and collecting in game currency to purchase other upgrades.