Itadaki Street Special

Itadaki Street Special (2004)

The game is similar to Monopoly in that players roll one die to advance around a board, purchase an unowned property they land on and earn money when opponents land on the player's property. The game differs from Monopoly in that players can buy and sell stocks of a block, affecting the value of block's stock up by buying or down by selling that block's stock or by developing a player-owned property of that block which increases the value per share for that block's stock. Also unlike Monopoly, it is not necessary to own the entire block to develop a property, though controlling more than one property of a block allows the player to develop their properties into larger buildings to collect more from opponents when they land on them. Players must collect a set of four suits, heart, diamond, clover and spade, to level up and collect additional gold when the pass the starting position/bank. To win a player must make it back to the bank with the board's required amount, which includes the total value of the player's stocks, property value, and gold on hand.

  • Release Date: December 22, 2004
  • Developer: Paon


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