Cooking Mama: Cookstar

Cooking Mama: Cookstar was the sixth main title in the series. It was briefly released against the wishes of license holder Office Create, and removed from the eStore and most shelves.


Cooking Mama: Cookstar (originally titled Cooking Mama: Coming Home to Mama) was a Switch entry in the Cooking Mama series, with a PlayStation 4 version also planned. It was licensed to Planet Entertainment by Office Create and developed by 1st Playable Productions.

The game was released physically in limited quantities, and was available on the eShop for mere hours before disappearing. Some merchants also stated that their physical copies were subject to a voluntary recall. A multitude of theories as to why this happened propagated through the internet, including conspiracy theories regarding a mention in a press release of blockchain technology. Finally, Office Create released a statement saying that they insisted that Planet Entertainment (henceforth, PE) not release the game until it met their standards, but PE released it anyway without their consent. They also stated that PE was not licensed to port the game to PlayStation 4. As a result, they would revoke the license from PE and pursue a lawsuit.