Dude Perfect HD

Dude Perfect HD (2011)

** #1 SPORTS GAME in the US! ** ▷ Now over 575 Million Views on YouTube! ------------------------------------ You've seen the videos. Now play the game. We’re Dude Perfect™—the YouTube guys who bring you the world’s craziest basketball shots—And now it's your turn! Few can handle the challenge: a killer combination physics-based puzzler and super addicting sports adventure! AVERAGE REVIEW SCORE of 4.79 / 5 STARS!!!! Thanks so much for the incredible support! --- Cool Things --- RIDICULOUSLY ADDICTING Endless hours of rim-rattling, fist-pumping, that-just-happened, net-swishing fun! STUNNING HD GRAPHICS Perfectly optimized for your beautiful iPhone/ iPod display. FAMILY FRIENDLY Go ahead. Play with your kids (or with your parents!) CUSTOM LEVEL EDITOR (NEW!!) You're in control! CREATE your own SWEET LEVELS with the CUSTOM LEVEL EDITOR available in the DP store! MULTIPLAYER For massive multiplayer awesomeness, BATTLE against your best friends—or arch enemies—anywhere in the world. --- Hang with us --- YouTube.com/DudePerfect Facebook.com/DudePerfect Instagram.com/DudePerfect Twitter: @DudePerfect

star 9 from 2 ratings.
  • Release Date: March 29, 2011


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