Marathon 2: Durandal

Marathon 2: Durandal (1995)

Marathon 2: Durandal is the sequel to the first Marathon. Although the engine is similar to Doom in most respects (2.5D maps, bitmap sprites instead of polygons, etc.), Marathon 2 distinguishes itself with such features such as a rudimentary inventory system, ambient sound, multiple fire modes for each weapon, allies who aid the player, enemies belonging to different factions which will attack each other, a more developed plot (gradually narrated to the player at various computer terminals scattered throughout the levels). The Xbox 360 version of the game presents a revised HUD and provides support for both 4-player split-screen play on the same console and 8-player Xbox Live gameplay. This version also supports 16:9 screen resolutions, high-definition output at 60 frames per second (compared to the original 30) as well as upgraded models and graphics

star 6.3 from 12 ratings.
  • Release Date: November 24, 1995
  • Developer: Bungie



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