Cool Cool Jam is a instrumental rhythmic game developed by SNK for the Neo Geo Pocket Color. It is was released in August 10, 2000 alongside with Cool Cool Toon.
The game was never released outside Japan, although an English sample was produced for reviewers, meaning SNK considered a possible release in the US/EU market.
nige-ron-pa is a turn-based RPG set in the world the game was named after featuring humans, elves, demons and other creatures co-existing with each other.
Players take control of an elf and a catgirl who are about to take the exam and become workers. After passing the exam and obtaining a license, players can accept various tasks which will reward them with money and Worker points.
The worker points serve both as the game's reputation system and are an integral part of the game's license system. They determine who would accept to be a part of the player's party, as well as allow players to get new licenses, which works in a similar way to Final Fantasy's job system. Equipping different licenses will unlock different spells for players to use in battle. The more worker points players get, the more likely it is that additional characters can be hired.
Faselei! is a Strategy game, developed by Sacnoth and published by SNK, which was released in Japan in 1999.
Faselei! is one of the last titles to be released for the Neo Geo Pocket Color and even features digitised lyrics to the game's main theme. Heavily story driven, this strategy RPG takes place in a time when mechs known as TS are the weapon of choice for combat. Gameplay revolves around the battles and customising your TS between those battles.
Battles are part turn based and part real-time. The player inputs their actions at the beginning of the turn. The amount of actions they can input is dependant on their type of TS. Once they have finished their selection everything is played out in real-time for the duration of the turn. This makes thinking about what your opponents and allies will do in advance essential before taking your turn.
SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters' Clash, released in 1999 for the Neo Geo Pocket Color handheld console, was the first crossover between SNK and Capcom. Characters in the game are illustrated in the super deformed (chibi) art style. There are two complementary versions of the game: the SNK version and the Capcom version. Each version of the game has a different starting deck and different exclusive cards that can be obtained, but the gameplay remains the same, with card battles resembling a somewhat simplified version of Magic: The Gathering, in which a maximum of three fighters are allowed in each player's field at any given moment and there is no mana to be spent to place them in the field.
SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters' Clash, released in 1999 for the Neo Geo Pocket Color handheld console, was the first crossover between SNK and Capcom. Characters in the game are illustrated in the super deformed (chibi) art style. There are two complementary versions of the game: the SNK version and the Capcom version. Each version of the game has a different starting deck and different exclusive cards that can be obtained, but the gameplay remains the same, with card battles resembling a somewhat simplified version of Magic: The Gathering, in which a maximum of three fighters are allowed in each player's field at any given moment and there is no mana to be spent to place them in the field.
Cool Boarders Pocket, is a Snowboarding video game developed by UEP Systems and published by SNK Playmore for the Neo Geo Pocket Color.
Cool Boarders Pocket differs to other games in the Cool Boarders series. It features an isometric (overhead) view instead of a third-person perspective. The game features two play modes a free-ride mode where the player navigates an obstacle course with no restrictions until he/she reaches the goal, and a survival mode where the player snowboards through the obstacle course until they run out of health. The game allows the player to choose one of two characters; a female or male snowboarder.