A collection of 8 games 16KByte containing:
Starship Trojan
Your ship has been damaged by a meteor storm. In this adventure you have 70 hours to repair the damage before the next interstellar jump.
Princess of Kraal
Free the princess from the hidden chamber and fight of the monsters through tunnels, stairs and chambers.
The galaxy is divided in 64 quadrants, every quadrant has 64 sectors. Spread around the galaxy are the Klingons, find and destroy them.
With your fleet of ships you fight against another fleet of ships by firing rockets and conquering their basises.
A simulation of a Rubic Cube.
Martian Cricket
An impossible cricket game that drives you into madness.
Secret Messages
Program to generate secret codes that can be exchanged with other ZX81 owners.
A game of carts.
QS Defender is a side scrolling shooter that although it is inspired by it, lacks many features of the arcade game Defender. This version is constantly scrolling left to right and there is no option to turn around and move in the opposite direction. The player can move up and down, fire and use thrust to increase the movement speed forward. There is only one enemy type and each one killed is worth 100 points. Enemies appear in waves. At the start there are just a few but as the player progresses it gets more hectic with up to eight enemies on the screen at once. The player has nine ships. When getting hit the screen goes black for a few seconds before it starts again with a clear screen and one ship less. Once all ships are lost the game has to be restarted through basic.
QS Asteroids is a fairly basic conversion of the original arcade game. The action starts immediately after loading (no title or options screens here) and players finds themselves in a space ship in the middle of the screen with numerous asteroids passing by. To control the ship, two keys are used for rotating it, one for shooting and another for thrusting it forward. Shooting can be done in eight directions. On an unmodified ZX81, the ship is represented by a number which changes with rotation (For example 0 means it's pointing up, while 4 is down) and the asteroids are o's, while users with a QS CHRS board get graphics more similar to the arcade original. The player starts with three ships and after 10,000 points a bonus ship is given. Asteroids appear in waves. The first one has two large ones and the number increases with each new wave.
Program Pack 4 is a double games pack that contains:
Breakout: Based on the arcade game where the aim is to remove all the bricks at the top of the screen by moving a bat left or right below and bouncing a ball upwards. If you let the ball pass your bat then you lose one of three lives.
Brikthru: Moving a bat left or right and bouncing a ball upwards, you clear the screen with a ball going through a shaded area and bouncing off the top and sides of the screen. If you let the ball pass your bat you lose one of thee lives.
Games 1 is a collection of six games and programs which contains:
Orbit: You control a ship orbiting a star and the further you are the slower you circle it. Also on screen is a piece of cargo orbiting the same star and you must adjust the speed of your craft by moving inwards and outwards to catch it.
Sniper: A man appears on the screen in one of ten positions and you must press one of the number keys 1 to 0 where you think he is on screen.
Meteors: You control a craft on the top of the screen and you must move left or right through a meteor storm that moves up the screen.
Life: A program that was devised by J. H. Conway in 1970 and allows you to see a pattern come to life and hopefully grow. You place cells on a 16 x 16 grid and when you are happy with your placements you can let it come to life. Three cells adjacent to each other produces a cell, two or three neighbours, the cells survive and one or more than three cells, the cells die.
Wolfpack: You control a ship on the top of the screen left or right, an
Fantasy Games is a double games pack containing the following adventure games:
Perilous Swamp: Deep in a Perilous Swamp, your quest is to find and rescue a Princess held captive by an evil Wizard before escaping out of the swamp. You are presented with a map of your surroundings and text tells you any objects you can see. As you move around the swamp you will encounter various creatures who you can fight, run from or bribe (if you have enough treasure). If you choose to fight then you decide how many combat strength points to use. Spells can be found and used to help you on your quest.
Sorcerer's Island: Similar to Perilous Swamp, this time you are on an island and you must attempt to leave it. One difference is you can encounter people like the King of the Dwarves and the Grand Sorcerer himself to help you.
Bumper 7 is a collection of seven games and programs which includes:
Repeat 20: Based on Simon but instead of colours you get numbers. The computer gives you a sequence of four numbers which you then copy. If correct then the computer will add a number on to the sequence for you to guess.
Ski Slalom: You must control a H and move it left or right to go in between gates that move up the screen.
Paper Stone & Knife: Based on the game Rock, Paper, Scissors, you must decide whether to use Paper, Stone or Knife to beat the computer's choice. Paper beats Stone, Stone beats Knife and Knife beats Paper.
Snowflake: You must catch snowflakes that fall down the screen.
Patterns: This a program that lets you watch patterns appear on the screen.
Banco: Based on the card game Punto Banco and the idea is to get the nearest to nine.
Sketch: A program that allows you to draw shapes and pictures with a cursor.
10 Games is a collection of games and programs on one tape. The collection contains:
Klingons: You are a spaceship returning from a mining expedition and you have run into a Battlefleet of Klingons but you have no guns so with your shield you must ram them all. The game is viewed from above with you scrolling down the screen and the Klingons scrolling upwards. You receive extra points for any Battleships or Motherships that you hit.
Crash-Landing: Your spaceship has been hit by a meteor and you are prepared for a crash landing on a planet with the only control you have is using your rockets. The game is text only and you see your fuel levels, velocity, height and the time.
Simon: Based on the classic game where the computer shows you a sequence of colours and you have to input the same sequence. Every time you get the sequence correct, the computer adds another colour to the same sequence.
Artist: A drawing program that allows you to draw pictures and shapes on the screen with a cursor.
UFO: A row of UFO's sit
ZX Chess II is an improved version of ZX Chess I, a single-player chess game. In addition to the features of the previous version (custom board setup, printing etc.), the code enhancements include additional difficulty level, faster move calculation and an option for the player to ask the program to suggest a move.
Text adventure with an overview of surrounding rooms for the ZX81 with a 16K memory expansion module.
The game allows you to set some parameters (like amount of food and arrows, but also the dungeon layout) before starting.
A top down view space battle against the Klingons. You can rotate your ship and fire rockets to the Klingons but make sure not to hit them.
After defeating all the Klingons you can use a wormhole to go the the next galaxy.
You can configure the speed and whether the Klingons move or not and you have three ships at your disposal.
A compilation of 6 games for a ZX81 with a 16K memory expansion module.
Lunar Landing
The lunar excursion module starts in a atable lunar orbit. You can control it to bring it a soft landing on the moon.
Twenty One
The card game of Twenty One
You are in a spacecraft equiped with 12 missiles with which you have to fight of aliens.
Within a grid you have to fight of submarines using depth charges.
A Mastermind like game
You have to find a person lost in space (7x7x7 grid).
A compilation of 7 educational games designed for children between the age of 7 and 11:
- Crash
- Multiply
- Train
- Fraction
- Add Sub
- Division
- Spelling
The classic Defenders (Atari 2600 and other platforms) but then in a first person 3D perspective.
This game is to be run with a 16K expansion module.
You fly over a planet and have a proximity radar indicating where (left-right) an enemy is. Your radar can show false hits when meteorites fall down.
The enemies go down and you get points (250) if you shoot them before they reach the ground. The enemies will shoot at you and you will have to try to prevent being hit. If an enemy reaches the ground and can fly up and away again you loose points (50). You have a shield which can take take 10 hits.
With either one of the keys q-t moves you left-down. y-p right-down. a-g left-up, h-newline right up. z-m shoots the laser. Using two keys at once allows you to move non-diagonal.
3D Monster Maze is a computer game developed from an idea by J.K.Greye and programmed by Malcolm Evans in 1981 for the Sinclair ZX81 platform with the 16 KB memory expansion. The game was initially released by J. K. Greye Software in early 1982 and re-released later the same year by Evans' own startup, New Generation Software. Rendered using low-resolution character block "graphics", it was one of the first 3D games for a home computer, and the first game incorporating typical elements of the genre that would later be termed survival horror.
3D Monster Maze puts the player in a maze with one exit and a hostile monster, the Tyrannosaurus rex. There, the player must traverse the maze, from the first-person perspective, and escape through the exit without being eaten.