Ice Man

Ice Man (2017)

Ice Man by Coastal Amusements is a new videmption arcade game where players use mounted water cannons to blast the legions of zombies on the game screen. Zombies are attacking so you must use your cannon to shoot water at the video screen and freeze them! With cute graphics and no blood, this is a game that is great for the whole family to enjoy. Power-ups like the “Super Sprayer” unlocks new abilities, such as an intense 12 stream water cannon for more stopping power! The cabinet has been designed to contain any splash effects, and even includes a special feature where an eerie mist rises from the lifelike grass in the bottom of the playfield. All of the water is filtered through a special ultra-violet (UV) system while splash guards on the side help keep water contained.

  • Release Date: December 31, 2017
  • Developer: Coastal Amusements


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