Maimai DX Buddies Plus

Maimai DX Buddies Plus (2024)

Maimai DX Buddies Plus is an upgraded version of Maimai DX Buddies for arcade. General Information / Changes maimile shop & Weekly Mission introduced. Completing Weekly Missions will reward you maimile, which can be used for items in the maimile shop. - This makes maimai BUDDiES PLUS the first game in the series to use the maimile currency since ORANGE PLUS. - maimile shop can be used inside maimaiでらっくすNET. New progress tickets introduced that can be purchased at the maimile shop: - Weekly Area progress 2x ticket (ウィークリーちほー進行2倍チケット), which doubles the distance multiplier on the Area. Only one ticket can be purchased/owned a week. - Tour Member level up 5x ticket (つあメンレベルアップ5倍チケット), which quintuples the level up rate of tour members. Favorites can now be chosen for songs on the song results screen by pressing a button. Up to 30 songs can be added. - This function can only be used on songs you have unlocked. Album page now shows the location where the picture is taken, a save button, and also a disclaimer of the photo. Favorite and random selection functions have been added to Collections. Up to 30 of each type of Collection item can be saved as favorites. When playing with someone who's not your friend on the same cabinet, a friend registration screen will be displayed after the name entry screen. If you select "yes", you will instantly become friends. This feature on the website is called friends on the spot (その場でフレンド). - This will not display if either player has set their settings to skip friend registration. When performing a rating color change effect, the effect screen will be retained until a certain amount of time passes, or until the "Skip" button is pressed. By touching the rival score display area, you can temporarily hide your rival's score. English notation added to various UI.

  • Release Date: March 21, 2024
  • Developer: Sega



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