Super Toffy

Super Toffy (1994)

Super Toffy is an improved version of Toffy, which in turn is a bootleg of the game Dangerous Dungeons with updated sprites. Super Toffy revamps many levels, getting rid of the recycled levels found in Dangerous Dungeons that are the same as other levels with minor changes or just upping the treasure requirement. Super Toffy adds an item that freezes the enemies in place temporarily - though even when they're frozen, you still can't stand next to the goombas (which replace spiders in DD) or the green faces (which replace octopi in DD). Super Toffy also adds artwork between stages - one of them adult-themed (there are robo-nipples on display) but mostly just generic anime art. Finally, unlike DD, there are a couple of score-based extends; you can get up to 5 lives.

  • Release Date: June 3, 1994


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