This program is made to teach the player how to drive and to test them on the dos and don'ts of driving. This comes in the form of true or false questions in a limited time either during a simulated drive or during a driving school examination. Correct answers grant the player points on their driving license, while incorrect answers lose points and/or health in the case of the simulated drive.
Satella-Q (「サテラQ」) is a series of quiz game events for the Satellaview, an add-on for the Super Famicom. The game features Kinopio (Toad in English translations) as the primary character, guiding players through the quizzes and minigames. The game was distributed as a Periodic Soundlink release.
During the Satellaview's early years, St.GIGA broadcasted quiz events called Waiwai de Q (「わいわいでQ」), which would phase into being called Satella-Q after the third event. These aired in periodic intervals, unlike their traditional Soundlink broadcasts wherein the episodes were played week-by-week until the conclusion. In October 1995, Satella-Q would be merged with another earlier sound magazine called WaiWai Check (「わいわいチェック」) to again form WaiWai de Q.
The game used the Satellaview's Soundlink technology to give the presentation of a quiz game show, with announcers presenting the questions for players to answer and music ranging from various sources ranging from classical t
A sequel to Tomcat/Tomy's Monopoly for the Super Famicom. The game once again has a hub area that the player can walk around and get into Monopoly games.
Taking on the theme of the popular Japanese TV quiz show of the popular "Yoshimoto Club", the player participates in a quiz game with multiple choice answers, the goal being to earn as many points as possible to win a prize.
Multimedia CD-ROM glossary of computer-related terms ("ASCII", "E-mail", "Cross-platform" etc.) with both a serious explanation spoken by an animated "geek" character, and digitized video clips of Dennis Miller giving his own humorous definition of the same term.
A quiz game released for arcades running NeoGeo MVS hardware (and later ported to the NeoGeo AES and NeoGeo CD) exclusively in Japan.
The spiritual successor to SNK's Quiz Daisousasen series, Quiz King of Fighters uses the series' engine and structure (including a variety of new mini-games) while incorporating many characters from the Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury, and Samurai Shodown series (often lifting the assets from the games themselves).
The truth is sleeping in the battle ...