Disorderly is a daily trivia game where you try to put a group of items in the correct order, based on some criteria, in as few guesses as possible. In addition to the daily games, there are occasionally extra games that are either too difficult or niche to use as the daily game.
New games go live at (or sometimes shortly after) 12:00 AM Eastern Time.
Metaflora is a daily guessing game in which players aim to figure out a mystery plant. Each incorrect guess will reveal information about how close that guess is to the taxonomic classification of the mystery plant.
Guess the COSTCODLE in 6 tries. Each guess must be a valid price. Incorrect guesses will help guide you to the target price. If you guess within 5% of the target price, you win! A new COSTCODLE is available every day!
Select a movie for each cell using the clues that correspond to that cell's rows and columns. Each game, you have nine movie guesses to fill out the grid. A movie cannot be used twice.
The Candide Laptop is educational, bilingual (Portuguese and English) and comes with different activities, such as: music, letters, words, spelling, questions and answers, addition, division and others. There are countless activities for children to learn wherever they are.
You can learn while playing with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles educational laptop for kids! This toy laptop has a beautiful design inspired by your favorite characters!
Playing games will be much more fun with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles laptop!
Metazooa is a daily guessing game in which players aim to figure out a mystery animal. Each incorrect guess will reveal information about how close that guess is to the taxonomic classification of the mystery animal.
In Scavenger Hunt: Italy you have to solve different puzzles to reach the goal. The puzzles lead you across Italy in different levels.
To master the levels and the puzzles you need internet access and a web browser!
The game will be available in English and German.
A Modification of Jackbox Games' Trivia Murder Party 2 - Inspired by the lore and community of Beta64, featuring overhauled voiceovers, music, trivia, and graphics.
9 new trivia questions every day! Select a square, guess an answer, and repeat. When your 9 guesses are completed, you get ONE "Double Dip" extra chance on any incorrect guess.
A brand new quiz trivia mobile game that builds on the legacy of QuizUp and brings a fresh take on the genre.
Play against others worldwide with exciting multiplayer features, challenge your knowledge with a variety of categories and questions, and experience the excitement of a brand new quiz trivia game.
In Scavenger Hunt: Switzerland you have to solve various puzzles to reach the goal. The puzzles lead you across Switzerland in different levels.
To master the levels and the puzzles you need internet access and a web browser!
The game will be available in English and German.
Kanji de GO! is a free game developed by Micelle, on PC in 2023. Type the reading of the displayed kanji(Chinese character) within the time limit. There are several other modes of entering calculation results and English spelling.