A remake of Pinball Mania which updates the 2D original tables into 3D.
The tables are:
- Daredevil
- Kick-off
- Jackpot
- Jailbreak
- Tarantula
- The Visitors
3D Pinball: Space Cadet NDS is a mod for 3D Pinball: Space Cadet that ports the game to the Nintendo DS using the 3D Pinball: Space Cadet decompilation project.
Guide the Hacker through Citadel Station infested with cyborgs, mutants, and reprogrammed robots to defeat SHODAN.
Table Features:
- Jack into the Cyberspace Terminal mini-playfield for great rewards
- Watch out for the Cyborg Attack! If you take too long to shoot, your ball will be shot and jettisoned off your flipper
- Shoot with precision to 'Get a Head'. Reveal a second ball by hitting the correct one out of three severed heads
- It's a Mutant Menace! Hit all the enemies and escape by the elevator
- Brave all perils of the table to initiate self-destruct and defeat SHODAN for good
Sonic Spinball is a browser game developed by Skyworks Technologies to promote the release of Sega Smash Pack for the Game Boy Advance. The game was available on the Candystand games portal and featured Life Savers branding.
Released in 1987, this Spanish pinball game was developed and published by Omikron. Outside the review (and a page ad) on Issue 42 of MSX Extra, listing on MSX Games World and a post on Instagram by MSX Calamar, not much is known about this obscure game.