Kaitlyn: The Perfect Date is a character special book with Kaitlyn. As of March 19, 2020, the book is free for everyone. It used to cost 30 diamonds to unlock this book.
Chris: Luxury Getaway is a character special book with Chris. As of March 19, 2020 the book became free for everyone. It used to cost 30 diamonds to unlock this book.
ROMANCE DETECTIVE 2 is an unfinished visual novel and sequel to romance detective. the story is complete aside from a few short scenes that were left unwritten, and you'll see a lot of sketches in place of final art.
The Crown & The Flame, Book 1 is the first book of The Crown & The Flame series. It is followed by The Crown & The Flame, Book 2 and The Crown & The Flame, Book 3.
In a fictional country that was once threatened by low birth rates and an aging population, a law was passed to enforce marriage at the age of 18. Failure to comply results in the death penalty — if you don’t get married by the day of high school graduation where marriage ceremonies are held nationwide, you are taken to the Bachelor Jail and executed. Kekkon Shugi Kokka is a collection of 8 short stories surrounding 16 teenagers who live under this law, in a country where “love” and “romance” are glorified to the point of brainwashing and marriage is a matter of life and death.
A send-up of dating shows and anime tropes, about 20 minutes per playthrough. Multiple choices - ooh! But only 1 true ending!
May contain a rude word or two, and a lot of innuendo. But apart from that it's innocent enough
This game takes place a year and a half after the events of Apollo Justice. Phoenix has retaken the bar exam and gotten his attorney's badge back. With his former assistant, Maya Fey, back at his side, he finds himself involved with a series of cases, all apparently connected to each other.
Phoenix also faces a new court rival, Obadiah Williamson, a veteran prosecutor who takes his job very seriously. He hates both criminals and defense attorneys and seems to hold a grudge against Wright, despite never having met him.
Can Nick unmask this conspiracy of lies, forgery, and betrayal? Or will he too become corrupted by it?
Can you accept a reality you can not remember?
Follow Toshi, a second year high school student, after recovering from a serious accident which disconnected him and the memories he holds dear. Relearning the world, his relationships and the things most important to him, can he accept the truths hidden beneath the fog of his mind? Those he cares for, and those close to him. What are their secrets? Is he able to help them?
The story contains mild use of curse words, follows social relationships and depressions. Including the path beyond that, therefore some of the contents might not be appealing to some.