Own My God is an original maybe series. "Which god will you choose?" A mysterious golden apple gives you the right to choose the next King of the Gods. Instead of deciding, you say you’ll choose the god you fall in love with! Kind, Dangerous, or Boyishly Charming? Who will you choose?!
Second fandisc for the otome visual novel series Code: Realize.
The blessed maiden will call for a miracle in the silver world once more. This is the story of you and him, who care for each other even while living apart, during a certain winter in a steampunk city dyed in white. A wonderful day with two young men chosen by you. A certain encounter that occurred in between your journey to find your father. And a story that depicts the future of “them”—. A past that has yet to be told. A present passing time with those you hold dear. And a future that has yet to be seen. A blessed future is further ahead. Among the many stories brought about by miracles, what kind of emotions will be born in the maiden’s heart?
Open Heart: Third Year is the third and final book of the Open Heart series. It is alternately known as Open Heart, Book 3. It succeeds its first two books, Open Heart, Book 1 and Open Heart: Second Year.
Waking up in a field off a 2-lane highway isn't the best start to anyone's night. Especially when you don't have a single clue how you got there to begin with.
Unfortunately, it's what Alec has to deal with tonight. It's cold, the wind's bitter, and he simply can't remember what happened earlier in the night. It must have been something big.
At least he finds a bus stop for shelter, but given it's a bus stop, he's not the only one there waiting.
Alec has two choices before him. Ignore the stranger's attempts to converse (he could be a serial killer, after all) and wait for the bus, or engage him (what else is there to do stranded at a bus stop) and see what happens.
The choice is yours.
After falling to the underground, you find yourself in a bed of golden flowers outside some ruins. This seems familiar, but instead of the usual ruins caretaker greeting you, you're met with an all too well-known grin. Dating Start is an Undertale Dating-Sim where you date the fan-favorite, Sans. Taking place after the last human arrived, This is your story and how you go about it is up to you. Will you find love? Or will you give LOVE?
You decide to seek out someone who's been looking for you, that person is none other than Patchouli Knowledge! She seems to have a surprise prepared, but what could it be?
You are a computer geek who finds fulfillment in your anonymous online advice network... Until you offer advice to the wrong girl. Things quickly escalate and even though you block her, she somehow figures out your true identity. Can you protect your friends, or will this dangerous girl find a way into your heart?
Be careful who you trust in My Sweet Stalker!
Buddy Collection Extra: Kochousou no Kimyou-na Gonin includes a new scenario titled “The Peculiar Five of Butterfly Manor” that expands upon the main game's story and characters. Along with that, there's now more voiced character dialogue.
Burn Pulse Detach is a project written over a couple of years, in bits and pieces, and finally stitched together to form the project above, reflections on disjointed chaotic jumbles of potentially disordered/non-neurotypical thoughts, usually stemming from moments of emotional extremity.
An immortality experiment gone horribly wrong at a plant factory. A husband and a wife that could never be separated.
Cryptogamous organisms -- the black spore disease -- and the female researcher that never thought she'd be pregnant.
Maria, the purity in a world devoid of it. An aberration.
Those three stories will intersect.