A disc appending Sakura, Chiya and Seri's individual routes with the "Encore" scenario, which will contain an extra scenario and endings set after the events of the original Liar-S game.
The sub-character Soutarou will have his own romance route and endings, in addition to an Encore scenario.
A disc appending Reon, Tsumugi and Kuon's individual routes with the "Encore" scenario, which will contain an extra scenario and endings set after the events of the [rēve parfait].
The sub-character Aki (a.k.a. "Knight") will have his own route and endings, in addition to an Encore scenario.
She's cute, she's bubbly, and she'll never tire of hearing you talk! She can be anything you want her to be, including your friend, best friend, or even girlfriend! She loves you more than anything in the world. She will cater to your interests.
The owner of Kuronekoso “Oonogi Yoshizou” was killed. There are 8 suspects related to him. The player becomes a detective and searches with his partner.
When first seemingly harmless achievement in technology turns into something sinister is not an unknown scenario to us. Picta Mori plays with the idea of what if AI image generator would start predicting people's deaths.
As you are returning home one day, a moaning voice from the dark disrupts your short cut through the park. As you approach, you see a girl who has fallen over on the grass. You cautiously approach and soon realize that she is bleeding onto the ground!
You approach now with fear and trepidation on your mind when the girl suddenly grabs your arms. The next words out of her mouth are outrageous. "Please, give me some of your blood." she groans. Surprised and frightened, you listen to your first instinct to run away. Before you can get too far, though, you feel guilty for leaving the bleeding girl there and return to her side.
You strengthen your resolve before thrusting out your neck towards the girl. The next thing you know, you are drifting into unconsciousness. The next morning, you notice that you wake up in your bed at home. You instantly believe that everything that happened yesterday must have been a bizarre dream. That is… until you see the girl from yesterday - Alice, as you find out she is called - sitti
Aoharu Cinderella is your favorite J-pop idol girl group of all time, so naturally, you're ecstatic when your parents surprise you with a special VIP ticket to their latest show as a reward for excellent grades and your recent eighteenth birthday. But when you head backstage for a bathroom break, you accidentally stumble into their dressing room only to find their biggest star right in the middle of a wardrobe change!
Only then does it hit you—the star you know as Yuko has been your classmate Yukino all along! Better brace yourself, because this revelation is just the first of many as you’re drawn into a whirlwind tour of what it means to be in the limelight!
Average schoolgirl of the average curriculum, Amano Seri, suffers a strike of bad luck when returning to the dorms from a part-time job (in the middle of the night) she accidentally ends up destroying the latest scoop of the of the local newspaper clubs captain – Kagura Jin.
Without much choice but to join the club while promising to publish a better scoop than the one that was lost, thus begins her struggles of ignoring every warning coming from the student council to stay put while chasing after any leads concerning the recent cases of theft by the mysterious trio known as Silver Seek.
The protagonist is an ordinary high school girl who goes to Yuurin Secondary High School. Suddenly one day her uncle who is the school's Board Chairman leaves his duties up to her as the next Chairman of the School Board.
The power of the Board Chairman is great, they can change the school rules at any time. However at this school the approval of the Student Council is also needed.
The five members of the Student Council appear in front of the protagonist.
Sometimes fighting against them, sometimes cooperating with them, the protagonist has to overcome various problems while running the school.
It's time to start this year full of troubles!