Duke has defeated the alien invasion force! What Duke doesn't know is that the force he defeated was the first wave and that the real armada is forming around the alien home world at this very moment! Providing 4 episodes with 24 levels, it is named by many as THE classic total conversion for Duke3D
DukeVR's idea is simple: Three episodes, eighteen levels, three colors (blue, green and red) and lots of nasty puzzles. Levels are short - shortest (simplest) levels take about twenty seconds while bigger & more complex ones take more than a minute.
9 maps (+1 secret) which rely solely on stock Duke3D assets in the making for 10 years. A special feature of this addon are its high-detailed sector-based cars and the fact that the levels are based on real locations (in Tampere, a city in southwest Finland)
2-level mini episode, consisting of HighWire's "Wet Dream" and "Tropical Alien Massacre". Great design with Caribbean setting, featuring fitting custom art and challenging gameplay.
Aliens have decided to grab a beer at a modernised British pub in Lynnchester called The Flaming Shipwreck, slaughtering the local folk and causing all sorts of trouble. Being too much for the local police force, Duke has been assigned to remove their presense from the area.
Features a grandiose storyline with new enemies, music, sounds, textures and sports 8 levels. Defeat the new emperor and stop the alien engineered plague...
3 levels, increasing in difficulty and complexity. First, you go through a prison complex before entering an "Anti-Duke" training center where the aliens learn how to fight against Duke. In the finale, you have to find the power plant to shut down the whole installation.