A semi-sequel of the author’s previous hack, Final Fantasy ++. It includes adaptations of various dungeons from FFs 3, 4, 5, & 6, SaGa 2, and Dragon Quest 5, along with a couple of new ones.
Blaster Master: Pimp your Ride, is an assembly hack for the NES platformer Blaster Master. Changes to most of the areas are minor save for areas 1 and 2 tank section, which are re-done. The changes are made to utilize the full effect of the ASM hack, and premise of this hack which is the 8 new additional upgrades the tank can get.
Yes, 8 new upgrades. That means the game has a total of 15 upgrades in all, and almost all of them are going to be needed to finish the game. Along with that are some other ASM changes, one that would need explaining is the gun powerup system. Instead of one gun unit equaling one level, you must collect many gun units to raise you gun power. The upside is that you do not lose your gun level if you get hit or die. This means that any powerup you find will not be wasteful.
Toad’s Treasure Quest is a Super Mario Bros. rom hack based around the character Toad. The hack provides a fanmade explanation on how Toad was able to possess all the items in the Toad Houses in Super Mario Bros. 3.
20 years have passed, since the capture of Dr. Wily. During that time period, Dr. Light has been secretly creating a new battle robot called X. Six months ago, Wily escaped, and has stolen the blueprints to create X. Will Megaman find the truth behind Dr. Light and X...
Dr. Wily finally concedes that Mega Man may be too much for his evil robotic creations. Determined to get the best of the blue bomber, Dr. Wily contacts another famous villain, Bowser! Having combined their forces, Dr Wily and Bowser unleash their new destructive creations upon the Mushroom Kingdom. After hearing news of Wily’s new plan, Mega Man decides to travel to the Mushroom Kingdom himself to stop Wily again. Mega Man now finds himself in a strange new world filled with obstacles and locales very foreign to him. Fearless, Mega Man presses on to Super Mario’s old stomping grounds to defeat these new foes.
Hello there! You’re probably here because you’re looking for a fun hack of Super Mario Bros, right? If so, Super Mario Bros HF could be just for you. Perhaps the main focus of SMBHF is the difficulty. Most hacks that redo levels (at least the ones that I’ve tried) make the game nearly impossible! I’ve had quite a few games where I couldn’t get past the first few levels without savestates. In my opinion, games like these are just not fun. How can you enjoy a game if you have to keep saving after each major jump? I don’t think you can.
That is why SMBHF’s levels are about as difficult as the original game’s. You will NOT find ultra-hard levels in SMBHF; if you can beat Super Mario Bros, you can beat SMBHF. These levels were created for the gamer’s enjoyment, not for the gamer’s frustration. Each level (1-1 through 8-4) has been changed. Some have been changed moreso than others, but each has been significantly altered.
The lesser focus of SMBHF is graphic changing. Some major graphic changes inc
This Super Mario Bros. 3 hack changes the game right down to the core by tweaking the actual game engine itself!
Aside from the ‘typical’ graphics and text changes, this hack alters musical melodies, a full line up of all new levels, new power ups, new abilities for Mario, and even new enemies! When I say new, I’m not talking about changed graphics; I’m talking about completely new power ups and monsters. Money mushrooms, invisible Mario, time stopping potions, Kuribo shoes in any level that don’t disappear, shy guys that create projectiles, heat seeking bullet bills, and others are just the beginning of the changes made to this game.
On top of that, you have random weather patterns on every stage, boss battles on every stage, and infinite lives, so your coins go to more useful purposes. They will be used to buy items from Toad’s house and get some level exits to appear. Let’s not forget stored, and switchable, power ups such as those found in Super Mario World!