Restored & Rebalanced is a bugfix and rebalance hack for the original, NES Final Fantasy that aims at fixing the game's notorious bugs, adding several quality of life features and smoothing over the game's difficulty curve, as well as adding some bonus postgame content.
The NES port of Xenophobe, a 1987 arcade game. The goal of each level is to defeat all the aliens before time runs out. Levels may contain more than one floor, and players use elevators or holes to move between floors to defeat all of the aliens. Players can also pick up more powerful weapons and other items to help in their eradication of the aliens.
The NES port of Platoon. The film Platoon featured a squad of five soldiers on their mission for the US Army in Vietnam. In this action game based around the film, you take control of these five guys in turn, with the chance to switch between them as they each take one of the 3 hits that would kill them.
The game recreates each of the sections of the film, starting with a side-scrolling journey through the jungle, with paths to cross both horizontally and vertically, and the ability to jump or duck hazards. You will need to blow up a bridge and then locate a village, which contains a torch, a map and a trap-door. The enemy has booby-trapped the area and are launching airstrikes, so the danger is not all from enemy ground soldiers.
An extensive and detailed ROM hack of the NES version Lode Runner featuring legendary virtual idol Miku Hatsune, and contains new graphics, levels, and music.
This is Debiru's second NES game made with Retro Puzzle Maker. Here is the description on what he says about his homebrew:
"Puck-Man Puzzler I couldn't exactly copy Pac-Man, or steal any graphic's from his existing games, so I had to make my own original Graphics, which are not that great as my Puck-Man isn't animated an is based on a Square but it works for now this is just the first Demo, of what may or may not become a full game. It only has 8 levels..
Unlike Pac-Man there are no Ghost, Enemies, or Power Pellets in this game instead you just collect the coins then go to the exit to proceed to the next level. This is just the concept I am trying out for now in future versions it may be a bit different."
This is a hack of Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle where the graphics have been changed to resemble graphics found on the Atari 2600. Also included is a patch with 64 all new levels. The graphics and levels were created in separate patch files so that they may be compatible with other hacks. For example, the graphics patch may be applied to other level hacks where the graphics were left unchanged.