Bazooka Blitzkrieg game made for the SNES Super Scope. It featured a bleak modern setting filled with cyborgs and various bosses including a large flying warship a tank, and various others. The primary button fired regular machine gun rounds, and the thumb button fired rockets. Released in 1992 by Bandai.
This adaptation of the animated TV series differs significantly from its NES namesake. The nephew of Agent 007 must foil the plans of malevolent S.C.U.M. agents, who are hunting for rare artifacts that would allow them to dominate the world. Unlike the NES game, this version is a more action-oriented side-scrolling game without detailed mission objectives or puzzle-solving.
The game consists of three levels, each beginning with a section in which Bond pilots a helicopter, a boat, and a jet, respectively. These are controlled in arcade-like fashion, similarly to side-scrolling shooters. Enemies must be dealt with using weapons mounted on the craft. Various hazards are scattered through the stages, requiring the player to react quickly in order to stay alive.
The Addams Family: Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt is a video game featuring The Addams Family characters from the 1992 animated series.
The game is a side scrolling platformer adventure game that plays in a very similar way to the previous Addams Family title. The game plays in a non-linear way in so much that the player can choose which level to attempt by entering whichever door they choose in the Addams house.
A soccer game from TOSE, which is known as Goal! in the US and Super Cup Soccer in Japan. It's part of the Goal! series of soccer games which originally came out for the NES. Goal! Two is the NES version of this game.
Compond X's powerful bio-computer has begun to malfunction and "X-Tra", aka the external threat recognition assault system, is firing on anything that moves. In fact, the computer has accessed the nation's nuclear weapon countdown systems for a retaliatory strike. Since nuclear war might X-tinguish life on the planet, the player must enter the X-Termination zone of the compound and fight on through defenses to the central computer.
X-Zone is a first-person light gun game. The player must shoot the robotic enemies on the screen and the projectiles that they launch at the player. Most levels are ended with a battle against a boss, which follows specific patterns and whose systems/weapons must be shot at and destroyed individually.
The actual names of the drivers are not used due to licensing arrangements. There are sixteen rounds divided in eight levels. Each level has a special rival to beat. The game structure has similarities with F-1 Race (Game Boy), but this time it requires a certain ability to control the Formula One car. Levels become more difficult because the rival becomes increasingly strong.
Super Probotector: Alien Rebels is the European port of Contra III: The Alien Wars. It changes the main characters and enemies into robots, like the previous Probotector ports.
Sküljagger: Revolt of the Westicans is a sidescrolling platform game. Players select between a 1 player game, an alternating turn 2 player game or Bubblegum Practice. The player controls Storm Jaxon who is able to run left and right, jump and swing Sküljagger's magic sword. Storm must reach the end of each level before time runs out or risk losing a life. Under normal circumstances, touching an enemy or projectile will cause him to die, though the sword is often able to destroy projectiles. By collecting red jewels, Storm is able to both augment the sword with a projectile attack and be protected from one enemy attack. Green jewels will also protect from one enemy attack, however collecting 25 of them will grant an extra life. Blue jewels add additional time for Storm to complete each level. Finding a mask will make Storm invulnerable for a short time. These power-ups are either floating in the air of each level or hidden away in chests, boxes, rocks and coconuts. However these items which may hide items can also
The game takes place during World War 1. Choose one of the five allied fighter pilots to do battle against the Central Powers. The game consists of 20 missions with the final one culminating with a battle between the player and "The Red Baron".
Missions are basically the same as in its' predecessor Wings. There are bombing missions where you have to take out targets that were circled in an aerial photograph, strafing runs where you get to blast anything that you fancy blasting with an unlimited supply of ammo, and of course the main part: dogfights in the sky.
If a mission is completed successfully, the player can power up the successful pilot in four skill categories: flying, shooting, mechanics, and stamina. A failed mission can lead to either a dishonorable discharge or death for the pilot.
This game is based on the coin op of the early 80's. You play a orange ball with 3 appendages: 2 legs and a snout. Q*bert is very good at hopping and does so on a isometric grid in the shape of a pyramid.
Q*Bert 3 takes this simple premise and applies it to varying themes and forms of the grid. There are a total of 20 levels with 4 boards per level of increasing difficulty. Happy hopping!
Everybody has remembered waking up early on the weekend to watch Saturday morning cartoons. But would would happen if the cartoons were interactive? Well, you might end up with something like Death Valley Rally. The object is pretty simple: Race the Road Runner through each level as quickly as you can while collecting different colored flags, which are worth different amounts of points. When you reach the ending, if you're fast enough, you'll also get a time bonus, but if you're good enough, you'll get a flag bonus. Some of the flags are INCREDIBLY difficult to find, and the fact that you won't usually be able to find them, will challenge (or at least frustrate) most gamers. You can run, turbo run (by stocking up on bird seed), peck, and jump in this wild adventure, as you try to catch the escape the ever-witty Wile E. Coyote and his assorted ACME contraptions.
Taking the role of a lone starfighter pilot, you are tasked with destroying an evil alien armada in standard 2D shooter fashion. And while you may be alone, you certainly won't be underpowered, with eight different types of weapons, each having six power-up levels for a grand total of 48 firing modes (not counting bomb power-ups) Space Megaforce boasts one of the largest arsenals in 2D shooter history.
Gameplay is single-player only with 3 difficulty levels. Also included is a short campaign with different levels that plays mostly like a "survival" mode with the objective being to outlast the time limit and rack the most points.
This international release of Super Aleste features a different story compared to its Japanese counterpart.
Super Batter Up is a baseball game with both a 1 and 2 player mode plus a league mode. The game carries the MLBPA license, but not an MLB license, so it only features all the players from the 1991 season playing for a team in a city that they really play for. Players get to play in either a dome, modern, or traditional stadium each with their own unique characteristics.
Kevin ends up in New York City Alone. The "Wet Bandits" are in New York City too. Harry and Marv tried to rob Kevin's house last Christmas. But Kevin's excellent traps foiled their plans. Now they're out for revenge. And Kevin's got plenty of hilarious plans to stop them.
The 16-bit sequel to NES Play Action Football. Graphics are from the same three-quarters perspective as the original. There are now three levels of play to choose from: high school, college, or professional. All 28 real NFL teams are included, but Nintendo did not secure the NFLPA or NCAA licenses, so there are no real player names or real universities. College play features weekly poll rankings, conference schedules, and bowl games. NFL play includes both the regular season and playoffs.
SNES Port of "Race Drivin'"
Here it is... the amazing conversion of the smash arcade sensation brings screaming-fast car racing to your home! Pound the pedal and grind those gears, down the straights and around wicked hairpin turns. Whip through hairy S-curves, gut-flipping loop-the-loops and crazy corkscrews! With three cars to choose from, multiple music tracks and cool sound effects, Race Drivin' brings arcade-style auto speed competition right to you!