The long-awaited sequel to An SMW Central Production, finally here after over a decade! An evil company known as Norveg Industries is expanding its business worldwide, including the Mushroom Kingdom. Can Mario put a stop to its business before nature as they know it dies out?
Super Mario RPG: Armageddon is a difficulty and content mod for Super Mario RPG. It rebalances the entire game and adds a lot more post-game content, such as more FF bosses, two boss rushes, and even some special guests!
A complete overhaul of SMW, set in an original universe!
Two main playable characters, Sicari and K-16, each with their own playstyle.
Seven unique bosses.
Tons of unique level themes, complete with entirely original graphics.
Six main worlds, a secret world, and a special world!
46 exits!
Mother 2: Perfect Edition borrows a handful of stuff from ShadowOne333’s very popular MaternalBound hack, but with great help from Tomato’s Legend of Localization website, this uncensored re-localization brings to you a more smoothed out and refined script than the MaternalBound one, and gets as close as possible to the original Japanese script without sacrificing flow or alienating American players by keeping in references that don’t make sense outside of Japan, as well as many graphical changes to make the game even more in line with its Japanese original.
Leaving personal taste out of the equation, this hack was created with the mindset of a professional editor, and with the hope that anyone, whether you’ve never played before or you’ve played dozens of times, can patch their ROM and feel comfortable knowing that they’re getting a definitive MOTHER 2 experience, just in English.
Rakugaki Mario is a love letter / pastiche / new(?!?!?!) romhack inspired by many hacks from the 2007-2009 era. What originally started as a semi in-joke between friends spiraled out into a much larger project, with a much larger author pool contributing levels (for better or worse). Making this hack semi-unique in nature is, in persuit of MAXIMUM AUTHENTICITY, all tools, sprites, blocks, and music (barring resources made specifically for the project) are from 2007-2009 too. That's right, we're talking Lunar Magic 1.63, JonWill's Blktool, MikeyK's Sprite Tool 1.22, and Romi's Addmusic 4.04. Of course, this wouldn't be playable on hardware by default. To comply with SMWC standards, only the fixed version is available below (in both Japanese and English). It contains the usual modern hack fixes (FastROM, QoL adjustments, Blktool Optimizer, ect), but that doesn't mean it's any less difficult! For SNESGT and ZSNES enthusiasts, you can also play the original unfixed (Japanese) version through this handy link right here.