The remaster aims to improve the quality of the hack and have it be more in line with the later episodes. Here are the changes:
New levels
New Music
New custom graphics
New custom enemies
New custom bosses
New level order
Redesigned overworld map
Rebalanced difficulty
And moreā¦
This hack is a complete full hack of Super Metroid and hard mode has exactly 699 rooms, normal has a few less, and easy a few less again...There is 8 worlds on the planet, so you get to explore more
Argonaut Games had made a deal to make a video game based upon the TV series of the same name. The game was to use the Super FX chip, an enhancement chip for the SNES that allowed 3D games to be much more possible. The game was cancelled in development, and was thought to be transferred over to another Super FX game, Vortex, which had a robot morphing into various vehicles. After an interview with Retro Gamer, it was said Vortex and Generation 2 were completely separate.
A short Super Mario World ROM hack in which the main purpose is to navigate the world map, while avoiding obstacles and solving puzzles. It won the 1st place in the Questionable Level Design Contest 2023 (QLDC 2023).
"Many brave adventurers have traveled to this manor. They never made it back. Enter the manor and rescue their souls."
"Il Maniero Spettrale" was originally made for the Halloween Level Design Contest (HLDC) 2014, in which it won first place. It's a single large level with a "Metroidvania" structure, inspired by the likes of Luigi's Mansion, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and Banjo-Kazooie. The goal is to find the souls of the adventurers who visited the manor, and lead them to their eternal rest. For Halloween 2018, this was updated and released as a standalone hack, in order to make it more accessible to new players. There are several small improvements and fixes over the original and some rooms have been redesigned.
Samus ends up once again in a world made purely out of the CRE tileset.
Prepare once again for janky art, and have fun!
The second installment of the CRE series.
It's finally time for the completion of the CRE trilogy!
Samus ends up inside of the CRE tileset, filled with janky art, for the final time.
Now with custom stuff!
This is going to be a mini/fullhack mostly resembling Searching For Items. Based mostly on exploration and finding items, which I intend to hide very well, making 100% a very hard goal to reach. But this is also to help out with mine and DSO's main hack, Fear is my platform for trying a whole bunch of odd and wacky stuff which might make it in our main project.
Digital Cube is a romhack for Super Metroid, widely influenced by movies Cube/Hypercube/Cube Zero. In the movies, some people wake up trapped in a giant cube with multiples cubic rooms, with different color and numbers. Some rooms are deadly traps, like acids, spikes, sound pressure, etc. This hack is based one the same concept : 49 pain-in-arse square rooms. Good Luck to exit !
Super Metroid: Airy is a full hack for Super Metroid. The map has been completely changed in this patch. Also, you can shoot more rapidly with your weapon plus you will notice you can jump with the effect your body is more lighter than in a usual play through, hence the name of the title, Airy.