“Old Man Link” is paid a visit by an old acquaintance but what’s precipitated this visit?
Why, another adventure of course… But why indeed?
Featuring the following changes to A Link to the Past:
New Sprites
Three New Dungeons
A White Beard
A cute little Minish garbed in full armor
Picasso’s Peace Dove
A Buzzing Hero
A Capra Hircus
and so much more…
Take courage. Experience “Link” with a voice(gasp), stripped of sword and youth(double gasp). Rely on wisdom(or save state(no you’re better than that(but it’s so convenient(fair enough)))) to not soft lock the game from that bomb puzzle(triple gasp to admit the game’s broken so brazenly).
The SNES game based on James Cameron's classic 1984 film is an action game where the player takes the role of Kyle Reese, sent from the future to protect Sarah Connor from the Terminator.
The game has two kinds of levels: in several scrolling platform levels, Reese runs and jumps, shooting at Terminators (in the future war level that begins the game), street punks or policemen.
The film's chase scenes are recreated in two driving sequences. Viewed from behind, Reese and Sarah must escape the Terminator's pursuit in their car, dodging incoming traffic and avoiding the Terminator's fire.
Final Fantasy VI: Divergent Paths is a complete modification of Final Fantasy 6 for the SNES. At it’s heart, it is a storyline modification, re-arranging content, re-purposing content, and sometimes adding new content in order to make the game flow more naturally. Leo has been repurposed from a guest to a main character, with a full character arc, sidequests, and even his own musical theme. In addition, every named character receives an end to their story arc, both main characters and side characters.
There are more edits than just storyline modifications though. Instead of replacing an existing character, Leo is added as a 15th fully-playable character. A secret 16th character has been added too. You can even recruit crew members to the Falcon! There are new spells, new espers, new abilities, a reduced encounter rate, dummied content restored, and more. Over 2 dozen hackers are listed in the credits of the manual for contributions to this project.
Even with all of those changes listed, Divergent Paths has beco
Chrono Cross meets Bravely Default in this re-imagination of Final Fantasy 5 with additional jobs and mechanics.
The main ideas were to make the battles more dynamic and give each character more, well, character. As a result of that every character has now access to an individualized job list of 21 out of total 31 jobs (freelancer is NOT available) while each job level now has a permanent impact on a character’s stats. For example klutz Bartz can not be a chemist and Lenna hasn’t it in her to go Berserker.
More dynamic battles are achieved via !Brave, !Def and field elements. Move a future turn to now with !Brave or take two turns at a later point with !Def while modifying the field elements to your liking with each skill or ability used. Changed field elements affect damage, healing and status effect chance.
Super Metroid Eleven is a ROM hack of Super Metroid created by Metaquarius for the 2024 Metroid Construction Star Base Contest. The game challenges players to infiltrate a star base, steal 14 fuel tanks, and escape.Designed for veteran players, it incorporates advanced mechanics from Project Base 0.8.1, and adds a few interesting twists to the standard Metroid Formula.
Embark on a short space journey to fix Moley's Spaceship and help him to continue his space expeditions. Three fully fleshed tough levels that will challenge your gaming skills. Unlock new powers as you progress and find more ship parts. This very short hack doesn't save and has infinite lives. Are you up to the challenge?