Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is the the second role-playing game for the Game Boy Color. It follows directly on from the first, with mostly the same game mechanics, controls and even some of the graphics. In this game, Harry is joined by Ron and Hermione in the battles. While Harry can use card combinations of Famous Witches and Wizards cards to produce special attacks and effects, his friends have special attacks unique to each other. To aid in finding one's way around Hogwarts, floor maps were added. Like the first game, this one also includes several mini-games, including Quidditch, that once found in the game can be accessed from the main menu.
Dragon Ball Z: Legendary Super Warriors is a mixture of a card game and a turn-based fighting game for the Game Boy Color. The game is played with original in-game cards for attacks, techniques and support items and initially has only two modes trade and story. Legendary Super Warriors’ story spans from the Saiyan saga to the end of the Buu Saga. Once beaten, a battle mode is unlocked, allowing players to square off with random enemies. Once the game is beaten, any character is usable in any battle, such as Frieza vs. Cell.
DIG, SCOOP, HAUL with 7 different tough TONKA trucks to build roads, move boulders, construct buildings and more! Over 50 missions in 5 different parts of TONKA town mean hours of construction fun. Plus, earn rewards after each mission to upgrade your vehicles!
The game follows the anime storyline from the beginning of the Loguetown Arc to the end of the Whiskey Peak Arc, including the Warship Island Arc. Along their way, the Straw Hat Pirates fight enemies like Smoker, Nelson Royale and others.
Live the ultimate football experience with Zidane Football Generation:
- Three different views available during the match.
- Three game modes: Friendly, arcade, tournament.
- 16 national teams at different levels.
- Save games during tournaments.
And not forgetting the star himself, Zidane!
It's amazing what some animals will do just to get a drink of water. Take Rocky the Rhino, for instance: Positively parched (he ate way too many peppers at a local jungle party), the little fellow is willing to traverse 19 enormous levels in the hope of quenching his mighty thirst. Help the adorable Rocky get through seven unique worlds, fending off all who would stand in his way. Many of the jungle's inhabitants are convinced that Rocky will drink up the water supply, you see, so they're all working against you from the outset. Make your way through forests and caves, using unique artillery like fireball breath and belly jumps to squelch the attempts of your foes and get to the magical spring. In addition to your weaponry, you'll have the assistance of various boats, planes, trampolines, and wagons to reach the end of each level.
He might be wrinkled and a little bit slimy on the outside, but his heart is pure gold. Perhaps the most famous cinematic space alien ever to capture kids' imaginations, E.T. stars in this delightful adventure for the Game Boy Color. The title character's green thumb comes out to make its presence known in this installation of the story (remember, E.T. is an excellent gardener). Help the little guy travel to the farthest reaches of space collecting specimens of various plants for the Cosmic Garden that lives on his spaceship. Once you've collected all of the plants, the object of the game is to make sure they can stay alive in the Garden. New friends, Space Bee and Space Slug a couple of adorable additions to the saga will assist you. With addicting gameplay, excellent graphics, and classic characters, this is one game that's certainly worth phoning home about.
Since the dawn of time they have fought each other. Now as a vicious monster threatens their beautiful land, the Pimmons, Amazons and Sajikis must unite to overcome this terrible evil. Only be these three heroes working together can the fire breathing monster be defeated, but they need your help.