The Game Boy Color port of X-Men: Mutant Academy.
Similar to its PlayStation counterpart, X-Men: Mutant Academy on the Game Boy Color is a fighting game showcasing Marvel's well-known mutants. Recognising the inherent hardware limitations, the stages in this version have been crafted in 2D, and there are notable differences in gameplay.
The character roster features four X-Men (Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm, and Gambit) and five villainous Mutants (Magneto, Toad, Mystique, Sabretooth, and Pyro). Additionally, there are two secret characters, and their unlocking codes are disclosed upon completing the game's story mode.
Beyond the story mode, where a single character faces off against others in consecutive battles, there are various modes such as training, battle (with teams of three characters), survival (one character taking on all others with only a single bar of health), and a versus mode using the Game Link cable.
The Game Boy's two buttons handle kicks and punches (or basic mutant abilities like Cyclops' eye b
Similar to its predecessor, this is an animal-raising RPG adding more animals and improvements.
The protagonist's father, who runs a pet shop, goes missing after a shipwreck. The protagonist takes over the pet shop management and embarks on an adventure with her exceptional pets to find clues about her father's whereabouts.
A big overhaul of Revenge of the 'Gator adding colors and fixes. It also includes improvements such as score saving and a double speed mode with no slowdowns.
Shaman King Chou Senjiryokketsu is a trading card game for the Game Boy Color. There are two versions, Meramera and Funbari that differs in the main characters of the game. The Meramera version has:
- Kaita
- Mitsuru
- Maria
New Awakening is a full hack of Link’s Awakening featuring broad revisions to all dungeons and textual edits, overworld edits, and sequence fixes to support a new dungeon order, as well as cosmetic edits to most dungeons and parts of the overworld. The difficulty is substantially increased, with new puzzles as well as new monster encounters, but backtracking is minimal, difficult puzzles offer subtle clues (the owl statues have been updated as well), extra resources are available where needed, and the challenges do not require save states or perfect gameplay. The game is balanced for those who have played the game once or twice, but the game is playable by newcomers as well, as the hack does not throw everything at the player at once. The difficulty begins fairly moderate and gradually increases over time. Necessary information is found in the readme. The patch is made with Lunar IPS.
A Port for Game Boy Color, Mr. Driller is a real-time puzzle game that relies solely on quick-thinking and a bit of planning. Gameplay is a combination of Tetris and Boulder Dash: You have to drill down through multi-colored blocks to reach the bottom while avoiding the consequences of reckless drilling (blocks may fall on you and crush you).
My Friendly Little Island is a cute game about personal growth and making friends. It starts out as a slow, simplistic adventure game. However, with every new skill you unlock, the game’s dynamics change more and more into a fast-paced platformer.
A puzzle-platformer. Two enemies have to become friends and help each other in order to survive. Switch between them and resolve the puzzles to reach the end of each level.