4 Wheel Thunder is a racing game developed by Kalisto Entertainment and published by Midway Games. While the game had been in development for some time prior as a separate title, it was eventually decided to rebrand the game into Midway's Thunder series.
Another remake of the classic RPG Sorcerian this time exclusive to the SEGA Dreamcast. Once again you must take control of a party of 4 player-created adventurers and lead them through 10 scenarios from the original game and 5 new ones specially designed for this version in a side-scrolling fashion, each featuring a unique stand-alone quest for you to complete.
Kiteretsu Boy's Gangagan is a game for the Sega Dreamcast only released in Japan.
Players can use the Dreamcast Microphone to give voice commands in-game.
Hello Kitty no 'Otonaru' Mail is a Japan-only Hello Kitty Dreamcast game. It has online functions that allow users to communicate with friends by sending mail using Hello Kitty characters.
King of Fighters '99 was remade for the Dreamcast as The King of Fighters: Evolution. In this port, players can change the audio to listen to arranged tracks of the soundtrack. The Dreamcast port also had the stages completed remodeled in 3D.
The Sega Dreamcast version of Rayman 2 retains the high quality textures from the PC version, while slightly improving some. A new area has been added in the Woods of Light called Globox Village, where the player can access new minigames by collecting Globox Crystals. This is the first version of Rayman 2 to allow for widescreen and the only version where the aspect ratio can manually be changed. The Hall of Doors has been replaced by the Isle of Doors. Several more Robo-Pirates have been added as well as a new type which shoots bombs. This is also the first version to have the cutscene in the Prison Ship where Rayman frees the prisoners, which was cut from the original versions due to time constraints.
Patterned after genre-defining games such as Resident Evil and Silent Hill, The Ring: Terror's Realm presents a survival-horror experience with all the standard features one would expect. Players assume the role of Meg Rainman, the girlfriend of fellow CDC employee Robert, who, along with three other colleagues, met a mysterious and untimely death while playing a new video game. Determined to uncover the truth, Meg discovers the program on Robert's computer and is promptly sucked into a virtual world. Here, she becomes infected with a virus and has only the next seven days to live.
The Ring: Terror's Realm presents players with a handful of different perspectives including third-person, first-person, and a dynamic viewpoint similar purpose to that in the Resident Evil series, which provides constantly changing camera angles. The core gameplay has players traveling between the real and virtual worlds while acquiring items, solving puzzles, and killing larvae, lizards, gorillas, and other monsters. Initially armed w
A Dreamcast puzzler developed mostly by one Japanese student, Golem no Maigo (also known by its English translation "The Lost Golem") tasks you with guiding the king to the end of every stage by pushing walls around while also ensuring there are enough walls that remain intact to progress.
Whereas the first AeroWings game was all about flight acrobatics, AeroWings 2: Air Strike is a fighter jet game. The most important modes selectable are free flight, which as the name implies gives you freedom to fly what you want (land it in the middle of a freeway if you'd like or next to skyscrapers) and over what type of weather and the split-screen versus mode (2 player). In addition to those modes, the game features training in over 30 fighter training missions and 15 tactical challenges. Successful completion of these challenges will unlock additional fighters (including the XF-3 Super Recipro, F-2B Support Fighter or F-15DJ Aggressor 2 to name a few) and decals/paint for the plane models.
As far as the realism goes, the game is customizable with options for either Standard or Professional Flight controls. The main difference between the two being the inclusion of more realistic G-Forces on your plane. It's also important to note that the controls are nearly identical to the first game with one or two butto
This is the second rendition of the popular dance simulation. You follow the arrows as you step on the appropriate direction along with the beat. With a wide range of difficulty settings, the game is a challenge for veterans while being easy enough to enjoy for beginners. 2nd mix comes back with some new songs and some new remixes of old favorites. Challenge your friends head on or work together. For an added challenge try doing Double which puts you on both dance pads (provided you have two).
On February 17, 2000, Konami released a version of Dance Dance Revolution 2ndMix for the Dreamcast console. It features 43 songs, seven of which are hidden and unlockable. The song list includes seven songs from Dance Dance Revolution 3rdMix.
A life simulation which shows how organisms evolve. Take control of one of life's earliest lifeforms and, depending on what environment and habitat you prefer to use, watch as your organism starts to evolve and adapt to its surroundings.
You control your organism from a third person perspective and you can choose what it feeds on and how it kills its prey and, depending on the method you choose, your organism will evolve to make killing and eating that kind of prey easier.