Knightmare II: The Maze of Galious (Majou Densetsu II: Galious no Meikyuu in Japan) is a screen by screen action adventure platformer released originally for MSX in 1987. It can be considered an early example of a Metroidvania game with free exploration of a large castle.
After having recovered the legendary Black Onyx in your previous adventure, your party of heroes took the portal in Utsuro town to a new world, where they begin the search for the powerful Fire Crystal. In order to find this mysterious artifact, they have to venture into a system of dungeons and to defeat the monsters that live in them.
The sequel to Black Onyx is very similar to its predecessor, graphically as well as gameplay-wise. You build a party of up to five adventurers and take them to fight in first-person 3D dungeons. You encounter random enemies as well as fellow adventurers, whom you can recruit to your party if it is not full.
In Banana, you are a round little thing on the Amazonas river, hunted by the man-eating Boconda tribe. A bit like Q*Bert, you jump around on stones in the river. Jumping is done by placing a cursor, with limited range, above a stone. If you don't place it right above the stone, you instead jump into the water. This isn't necessarily lethal, since you can jump up on adjacent stones, or you can go with the flow, as long as you take care not to pulled by the strong current into a spot where there are no stones to seek refuge on. It is also in the water that you will catch bananas coming down the stream.
Bananas are necessary to get rid of the Bocondas; they can be placed on top of stones, and if a Boconda tries to jump at you, they will land on a banana and slip into the river where they are swept away. They are smart, though, so you will need to trick them into jumping onto your boobytrapped stones. Instead of tricking them, you can also swim to the river shore, pick up stones on the shore and throw them at the Boco
King’s Valley is a platform/maze game from Konami, released for the MSX computer and MS-DOS in 1985. The game plays is like Lode Runner except it takes place in pyramids instead of Egyptian ruins. As an intrepid adventurer, the player's goal is to collect various gems, while evading angry mummies and other monsters long enough to find the exit to the next level.
A port to MS-DOS was made by a Korean company named APROMAN, however it only supports monochrome and CGA graphic cards. Another unofficial port has been released by the Spanish RetroWorks [1] in 2009 for the ZX Spectrum on the site 'World Of Spectrum'[2].
The MSX version of this game can still be run with emulators like BlueMSX [3]. Emulators for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum are available at WOS.
King's Valley had been rewritten (not ported or emulated) in 2008 using Java, Online version is playable over internet using the web-browser and Mobile version is downloadable for handhelds, mobiles and communicators with Java installed for personal use [4].