A prime minister is murdered, and the entire nation is in shock. No one had believed that something like this could happen here. Yet, everyday life continues, in the firm belief that the police are doing their utmost to find a solution. And they are—but the solution they are seeking is not the same one the people are looking for.
A dungeon crawler inspired by the Fighting Fantasy books and Warhammer Quest 1995.
The followup to Traumatarium, Penitent aims to improve on the success of the original, while improving and expanding on almost all aspects. You have three distinct dungeons to overcome, all while managing scarce resources and making hard decisions on when to push on, or use a map to return to the safety of one of the few outposts found in those dark halls.
Traumatarium Penitent takes place well after the events of the original game. The kingdom's knights have broken into two factions: the Penitents, who swore to pay off their sins in defense of the kingdom, and the Ebon Legion, who aim to bring forth again the evil spirits that once haunted the land.
A fully playable, demastered version of “Welcome To Paradise” on Game Boy made in collaboration with the band Green Day and the Californian art studio BRAIN, which will immerse you in the world of a small apartment in Oakland, California. Search out the record to play the full 8-bit rendition of your favorite song. Listen till your thumbs are sore then play again.
Journey through the afterlife in Hermano, an exciting multi-scroller platformer for the original Game Boy. With pixel-perfect graphics and chiptune soundtrack, experience the magic and mystery of Día de Muertos. Traverse 15 main levels and 4 bonus stages across scrolling 2D landscapes. Avoid traps and defeat over 15 types of enemies, including 3 epic boss battles. Hermano mixes platforming action with puzzles, exploration, and gravity-defying gameplay for a fresh take on classic sidescrollers. With an authentic pixel-art style and fantastical themes.
GB Studio is 5 years old!
Join us on a journey through all the major releases of GB Studio an see how far the software has come over the last five years.
Created by the team at GB Studio Central
Programming by RubenRetro
Art Advisor - 2bitcrook
Theatre Song by Beatscribe
The Train Part 2 is a sequel to GnomeKing Games's first Game Boy title, The Train. It picks up immediately after where The Train ended, taking Eve and her grandad to a megacity called New Bromdal.
Legend of the Mana Sword focuses on making the first game of the Mana series both a better experience for first time players, and more fun for returning players.
If you’ve never played a Mana game before, Legend of the Mana Sword is a good place to start your adventure.
If you’ve already played later Mana games, it will be familiar yet new.
If you’ve previously played the original (whether it was called Final Fantasy Adventure, Mystic Quest, or Seiken Densetsu) then Legend of the Mana Sword helps the game you remember better live up to its true potential.
This is a new version of the classic arcade game Berzerk. In it you must avoid colliding with the walls, eliminate the enemies and leave the screen before Evil Otto appears and chases you.
This version has three game modes:
Original endless: It is an infinite mode, in which you must advance screens eliminating enemies.
New mode endless: It is an infinite mode, in which you must advance screens eliminating enemies you can use powerups.
New mode arcade : You must find the exit in each of the levels, you can use powerups an map.
Started in 2018 by a secret cabal of ancient Pokemon nerds, Shin Pokemon is an enhancement ROM hack of Pokemon Red & Blue that aims to be the ultimate remaster fans never got. It is a mostly-vanilla hack that focuses on fixing game engine bugs and oversights from the original game. Additionally, trainer AI routines are improved and multiple quality-of-life enhancements have been added. It also acts as a kind of research-informed speculative work that interprets what the 2016 Nintendo Virtual Console re-release of Gen-1 Pokemon could have been. It is the image of a glitch-free experience with player-friendly goodies and enhancements common to other modern remasterings.
Started in 2018 by a secret cabal of ancient Pokemon nerds, Shin Pokemon is an enhancement ROM hack of Pokemon Red & Blue that aims to be the ultimate remaster fans never got. It is a mostly-vanilla hack that focuses on fixing game engine bugs and oversights from the original game. Additionally, trainer AI routines are improved and multiple quality-of-life enhancements have been added. It also acts as a kind of research-informed speculative work that interprets what the 2016 Nintendo Virtual Console re-release of Gen-1 Pokemon could have been. It is the image of a glitch-free experience with player-friendly goodies and enhancements common to other modern remasterings.
Started in 2018 by a secret cabal of ancient Pokemon nerds, Shin Pokemon is an enhancement ROM hack of Pokemon Red & Blue that aims to be the ultimate remaster fans never got. It is a mostly-vanilla hack that focuses on fixing game engine bugs and oversights from the original game. Additionally, trainer AI routines are improved and multiple quality-of-life enhancements have been added. It also acts as a kind of research-informed speculative work that interprets what the 2016 Nintendo Virtual Console re-release of Gen-1 Pokemon could have been. It is the image of a glitch-free experience with player-friendly goodies and enhancements common to other modern remasterings.
A homebrew port of Blastar, developed by Elon Musk (at the age of 12) for the Spectravision in 1984.
In this game you have to destroy an alien space freighter, which is carrying deadly Hydrogen Bombs and Status Beam Machines. This game make good use of sprites and animation, and in this sense makes the listing worth checking out.