Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Way of the Warrior is a dedicated console system developed by Wayforward Technology and published by Tech2Go. The console is a webcam that is set on top of the TV and places cutouts of TMNT villains on screen for the player to physically attack, similar to the PlayStation 2 EyeToy games.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Battle for the City is a dedicated console system published by Tech2Go and developed by WayForward Technologies. The game is based on the 2003 TV series.
Gameplay consists of players selecting one of four Turtles and scrolling from left to right, hopping on platforms and defeating enemies whilst collecting a number of keys to open the gate. Upon opening the gate, the player will enter a room where a boss lies in wait.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Battle for the City is a dedicated console system published by Tech2Go and developed by WayForward Technologies. The game is based on the 2003 TV series.
The Turtles return home to find that Splinter has been kidnapped. They set off to find who the culprit is.
Gameplay consists of players selecting one of four Turtles and scrolling from left to right, hopping on platforms and defeating enemies whilst collecting a number of keys to open the gate. Upon opening the gate, the player will enter a room where a boss lies in wait.
If all of a Turtle's energy is depleted, or he falls into a chasm, he is considered "Captured" and another Turtle must be selected. A game over occurs when all four Turtles are captured. By collecting Turtle Head icons, a captured Turtle can be restored for play, or "Rescued".
Bowling is a bowling simulation game with questionable gameplay and controls. Some graphics are stolen from Half-Life and other games in Intec's version.
It was originally made for the Nintendo Entertainment System, but Intec has ported it to a cartridge for their console, and there is no information about these 2 versions and the version discussed below.
The PlayPal Plug & Play is a "console on a chip" manufactured by AtGames in 2006. It has twenty built-in Sega Master System and Sega Game Gear games.
The console is shaped like the head of Sonic the Hedgehog and doubles up as a game controller, with two face buttons and a joystick shaped like Sonic's fist. This unusual design is unique to the PlayPal, though similar shells were also used for the Genesis Gencore and Fun Play 20-in-1.
Place Kick Master Football Championship (Waixing, license: 2006SR15690) is a football place kick simulation game with confusing gameplay and controls. Title screen graphics are stolen and edited from "The Ultimate 11: SNK Football Championship" in Intec's version.
It was originally made for the Nintendo Entertainment System, but Intec has ported it to a cartridge for their console, and there is no information about these 2 versions and the version discussed below.
Giga Pets Explorer is a plug-and-play game released by Hasbro in 2006. Handheld pets could be zapped into the device to explore the 9 areas of Giga Island, collect items, and complete missions.