Class G has been assigned a top-secret mission by the Gallian Army.
Army forces transporting secret documents were attacked at the Anthold Aqueduct, and the documents cannot be allowed to fall into the wrong hands.
Retrieve 7 crates scattered across the areas.
Avan, Zeri and Cosette must move with the escort APC to the target point in Area 1.
The main Class G force and Avan, Zeri and Cosette will operate separately for this mission.
This operation will be carried out in Mellvere by Avan, Zeri and Cosette.
Capture the enemy base camp in Area 1. The mission will fail if all 3 members fall in battle.
Cannon towers have been sighted in the combat zone, so be prepared for a rough fight, and advance with caution.
Avan will carry out this mission alone.
Use the trolley cars effectively and capture the enemy base camp in Area 4.
The mission will fail if Avan falls in battle.
The main Class G group must open the flood gate using the switch in area 4, then Avan must move to the target point in area 3 by passing through the flood gate.
Earthworm Jim PSP was first announced at E3 2006 by Atari, which had obtained the rights to produce an Earthworm Jim game for a handheld console, and a deal with Sony had been made.
Atari announced that Earthworm Jim PSP would be a 2D sidescrolling platformer with elements of a run and gun, similar to the first two games, but now with 3D computer graphics. It would feature characters seen earlier in the franchise, including Queen Slug-for-a-Butt as an enemy, Peter Puppy as an ally, and Princess What's-Her-Name as a love interest for Jim. Billy the Bin would also make a reappearance as one of the bosses.
By August 2006, Earthworm Jim PSP was reportedly at 80% complete, and more complete gameplay was shown in Las Vegas. Many video game journalists had hands-on playable builds of the game, such as GameSpot, GamesRadar, and IGN.
Earthworm Jim PSP was initially scheduled for a late 2006 release, but this was pushed back to early 2007. When the time came around, the release was extended again to mid-year 2007. This ca
Break through the defense of the Calamity Unit, led by the young, brave commander who was waiting in the mountain fortress and conquer the enemy's main base!
This episode takes place during "Clash! Welkin vs Dahau" DLC. Edy and her self-proclaimed "Edy Squad", who were separated from the 7th Platoon, encounter Lydia and Jig's separate team of Calamity Raven.
Selvaria uses the power of Valkyria in the "Naggiar Battle" on the Gaul front. Audrey Tautou's Gaul troops witness the power of myth. An episode from an imperial perspective with Selvaria as the main character.
This battle that takes place against all Valkyria in the alternate timeline, which is not to be considered canon. Can you win against Selvaria, Alicia, Alias, and another new Valkyria?
This episode depicts Cardinal Borgia escort operation, which failed. However, the Dahau who attacked the nameless had another intentions in mind. This episode features Calamity Raven, who depicts the enemy side of Chapter 4.
Empire General Radi Jaeger disappeared with the end of the Gaul front. Another episode of the end of the war, where Jaeger's own perspective tells what he thought and where he disappeared.