Monster Hunter Portable 3rd is a game in the Monster Hunter franchise for the PlayStation Portable system that was released in Japan on December 1, 2010. The game was released, as a part of the PlayStation Portable Remaster series, on PlayStation 3.The game introduces new regions, monsters, and a revised Felyne combat system. Monster Hunter Portable 3rd is not an update to Monster Hunter Freedom Unite or Monster Hunter Tri. Monster Hunter Portable 3rd is instead separate to the rest of the series, and most of the game has been entirely remade.However, it is also a successor to Monster Hunter Freedom Unite as the third game in the Portable series.
In the peaceful world of Veldime, humans rarely encountered monsters. That was until Overlord Zenon cursed the land and all who reside within. With the curse in place, the humans became monsters and ravaged the world. It is up to Adell, the last remaining human, to oppose Overlord Zenon's tyranny and restore peace and harmony to Veldime. In Disgaea 2, players will take on the role of a young fighter named Adell and travel the Netherworld to defeat the evil overlord Zenon. Battles will take place on a 3D grid-based field. During combat, players will take turns with the enemy to move and attack.
Dissidia Final Fantasy is a 3D-arena fighting game with RPG elements featuring 20 characters, heroes and villains, from the first 10 final fantasy games summed by the god of discord and the goddess of harmony to fight over the fate of the world.
MPO is the fourth Metal Gear title made specifically for the PSP and the first one to retain the series' action-based play mechanics. It is the first canonical outing of the Metal Gear Solid series for a portable platform, following the storyline of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Set in Colombia in 1970, six years after the events of Snake Eater, the game follows the exploits of Naked Snake after his former unit, FOX, goes renegade. The game also chronicles the eventual founding of FOXHOUND and The Patriots, as well as the inspiration of the military state Outer Heaven.
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops has received highly positive critical reception from critics, and is often viewed as one of the best games released for the PSP. It was praised for its visuals, usage of Metal Gear elements and story, while criticism was directed at the game's control scheme.
There are a million stories in Liberty City. This one changes everything. Once a trusted wise guy in the Leone crime family, Toni Cipriani was forced into hiding after killing a made man. Now he's back and it's time for things to be put right.
The streets of Liberty City are in turmoil. Warring mafiosi vie for control as the town begins to self-destruct under waves of political corruption, organized crime, drug trafficking and union strikes. No one can be trusted as Toni tries to clean up the mess of the city's chaotic underworld. Deranged hit men, morally depraved tycoons, cynical politicians and his own mother stand in his way as Toni tries to bring the city under Leone control.
Forced to fight for his life in an odyssey that will shake Liberty City to its foundations, Toni must use any means necessary to secure his place in the leadership of the Leone family in a town up for grabs.
This version was released on the PSP. Marking the 20th anniversary of the original Japanese Final Fantasy, Square Enix released the 20th Anniversary collection for Sony's emerging PlayStation Portable handheld. Square Enix took full advantage of the format, restoring the original PlayStation release's FMV sequences, upscaling and further refining the Dawn of Souls release for the PSP's wider screen, and adding an entirely new set of bonus dungeons known as the Arcane Labyrinths for players seeking a greater challenge.
Jeanne d'Arc is a tactical role-playing video game loosely based on the story of Joan of Arc and her struggles against the English occupation of France during the Hundred Years' War in the early 15th century.
The game has an amount of historical accuracy when it comes to the cast of characters, and contains many who were contemporaries and allies of Joan of Arc. This contrasts starkly with the many fantasy elements of the game, such as characters possessing magical armlets that give the wearer special abilities, and the suggestion that King Henry VI of England was possessed by demons and used them to aid his armies in destroying France during the Hundred Years' War.
With Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny's huge roster of warriors, players can battle as one of many returning favorites or new fighters for some nail biting brawls. Blow away the competition using finely tuned and enhanced mechanics including Critical Finishes, Soul Crushes and Equipment Destruction. Adding depth to the combat, an all new single player mode has been developed that not only challenges a player's reflexes but also improves their fighting skills. Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny also allows gamers to engage in local wireless battles, allowing them to challenge a friend using the PSP systems ad hoc networking. Furthermore, an almost limitless character customization feature returns with even more possibilities to create a personalized fighter. Adrenaline pumping combat has never been so accessible.
Fate/Extra is a dungeon crawl style Japanese role-playing game. The game takes place in a parallel universe to the visual novel Fate/stay night. At the start of the game, the player may choose to play as either a male or female character, as well as selecting one of three Servants — Saber, Archer, or Caster, each with different strengths and weaknesses. Players spend one ingame "week" interacting with other characters, viewing scenes that advance the game's story, talking to their Servant in their room, and gathering clues to the identity of the enemy Servant. At the end of each day, they enter the Arena, a dungeon in which they can battle monsters to gain experience points and strengthen their Servant. The game's turn-based battle system is comparable to rock-paper-scissors -- "Attack" overpowers "Break", Break overpowers "Guard", and Guard overpowers Attack. During battle, both the player and the opponent line up six such moves at the beginning of each turn.
LittleBigPlanet is a 2009 puzzle platformer video game (with user-generated content) for the PlayStation Portable developed by SCE Cambridge Studio in conjunction with Media Molecule. It is a new entry in the LittleBigPlanet franchise made exclusively for the PSP, featuring a brand new story mode.
"DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY is the blockbuster follow-up to the smash hit DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY, offering a winning mix of Beat ‘Em Up action and RPG depth, starring the most memorable heroes and villains from the worlds of the FINAL FANTASY series.
The title refers to the ‘12th battle’ (duodecim means 12 in Latin), a new war between Cosmos and Chaos, that forms the basis of the story. This war will require new allies both good and evil to join the battle. DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY also adds new game modes, story missions, items, alternate costumes and combat features, expanding upon the action and excitement of DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY in every way. Get ready for the return of the ultimate portable fighting experience."
In the game, the player follows and controls "Taiga", a 16-year-old male protagonist who is transported to the digital world of Digimon, which in his universe is merely an online game. In the universe of Digimon, people raise creatures collectively referred to as Digimon. Players raise the Digimon through stages of growth that determine his personality, the five stages being "Baby", "Child", "Adult", "Perfect" and "Ultimate". Digimon evolve over time by gaining stats and other factors. Digimon can get hungry, sick, injured or die and need care to recover.
Based on the all-new Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's animated series, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tagforce 4 reignites the story of the Dark Signers. The Dark Signers, derived from the Underworld, have been reborn with incredible abilities, a lust for revenge and a desire for complete power. The battle rages between good and evil for total domination of New Domino City and the fate of Satellite in story mode. Or battle opponents in one-on-one free duels or team up with a partner to defeat your opponents with more than 3,500 cards.
PoPoLoCrois is the heart-warming story of Pietro, the prince of the PoPoLoCrois Kingdom, and his adventures to save his family, the world and everything else between.
The meaning of the word PoPoLoCrois is, "To believe in people." During your journey with Pietro, you'll travel to many interesting places and meet a slew of wacky characters in his search for the "True Treasure of Kings". Along the way you'll be reminded of what is truly important in life.
The PSP system version of PoPoLoCrois consists of three main stories: Chapter I: Ice Demon; Chapter II: Dark Lion King; and Chapter III: Goddess Maira. With more than 30 hours of game play, PoPoLoCrois offers hours upon hours of fun and adventure.
Mega Man Powered Up, known as Rockman Rockman in Japan, is a remake of the first Mega Man game. It was released worldwide for the PlayStation Portable in March 2006.
It was later released in a bundle alongside Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X and was slated for release on the PSP's PlayStation Network. It was released for the PlayStation Network service in Japan, but a US release did not occur due to technical difficulties. The game uses a chibi-style that was intended for the original game but was not possible at the time.
The designers intended to keep this design faithful to the way the characters worked and looked in the original. While it received generally positive reviews, the game sold poorly, and plans for a remake of Mega Man 2 titled Mega Man Powered Up 2 fell through.
Set in the weeks after Resistance: Fall of Man, Resistance: Retribution follows the story of former British Marine James Grayson. After a personal tragedy - he is forced to kill his own brother inside a Chimeran conversion center - Grayson goes on a vendetta to destroy every conversion center he can find. Eventually Grayson learns that his efforts have been futile... in Western Europe the Chimera have evolved a new method of converting humans to aliens. The European resistance - the Maquis - enlist Grayson's help, and he joins Cartwright and Parker in Operation Overstrike. The war to retake the European continent has begun.
The Final Mix gives you more challenges and the chance to hear the English voices. The game is based on the upgraded US version, with more boss battles, game modes and even more mini-games. Think you've already become the ultimate Key Blade Master? Think again.
The game contains secret episodes that you can unlock, and in the single player mode, you'll meet the mysterious man, see what secrets he'll reveal about the powerful Kingdom Hearts. Controls and the D-Link are updated, so its easier to use and you can collect stickers on your journey.
There are 9 more missions for you to clear and new challenging bosses in the multi-mode. These bosses aren't just the lord of the world, they could be the world themselves. Now you can battle the whale that swallowed Pinocchio's ship.
Kingdom Hearts is being born again, pick up your key blade and set off on your journey once again.
Metal Gear Acid is a turn-based collectable card game. It was the first game in the Metal Gear series for the PSP. A Java ME version for mobile phones was released by Glu Mobile in 2008 titled Metal Gear Acid Mobile.
Acid focuses on turn-based tactics, using a trading card-based system to control the main character's movements and actions. Acid in the name stands for "Active Command Intelligence Duel". The cards are not truly collectable, as the game is complete with a single purchase. However, the game does feature deck design and deck optimization elements. The game allows for multiplayer gameplay by wireless ad-hoc connections of two PSPs.
Before each round, the player can customize the deck of cards used by the main characters. Most cards are based on elements spanning the entire Metal Gear series, such as weaponry, characters, and even the Metal Gear itself. When the game is started, the player's hand can consist of a maximum of six cards. The maximum number of cards in a deck increases with overall progress
After 20 years, Final Fantasy IV and its acclaimed sequel, The After Years, are now combined into one package as the ultimate role-playing game experience. A cast of unforgettable characters fight through one of the grandest stories ever told with stunning new graphics, a re-arranged, award-winning soundtrack, and bonus game features that provide the absolute Final Fantasy IV experience. Experience vibrant visuals and unforgettable melodies - includes all-new 2-D graphics designed for the PSP system's 16:9 format. Also includes a new arrangement of one of the most acclaimed video game soundtracks of all time!
Gods Eater Burst is an action role-playing game and an enhanced version of God Eater. The enhanced version features an expanded story and new game mechanics. The game's mission-based single-player mode consists of more than 100 missions, with co-operative play of up to three teammates over local adhoc wireless multiplayer or AI-controlled teammates. The game features character creation allowing customization of hair style, hair color, face, skin, clothing, voice and weapons using special materials. Equipment is divided into five groups: Blade, Gun, Shield, Control Unit and Upgrades. Weapons can be switched between melee, ranged and shield in-mission. Along with the second story arc, God Eater Burst adds two new gameplay features: Bullet Customization and Burst Mode.