One of the first four original Pop Station games. A clone of Casio's CG-370 Heli-Battle from 1987. A shooting game where the player must keep their bases safe.
One of the first four original Pop Station games. A clone of Casio's CG-330 Submarine Battle from 1985. Shooting game involving a submarine gunning down planes.
The original Pop Station is an LCD-based handheld with a casing which copies a PlayStation Portable. The games play like old Tiger/Game & Watch-style games, with only one game selectable at once.
Some other different handhelds were released under the name of Pop Station, but they use a different technology, the same as the Brick Games.
A dice game. The player selects between "small number" (S), "large number" (L) or "three fives" and proceeds to roll three dices. An extra point is gained when the rolled number of dice corresponds correctly with the selected option.
A variant of whack-a-mole where the player has to memorize a pattern shown and repeat the pattern correctly to score points, akin to The Simon Game toy from the 1990's.
A "whack-a-mole" style game in which the player must use the fire and directional buttons to hit one of the four corresponding targets on the screen. The player loses if either he/she presses the wrong button, or taking too long to press. This game is variously known as "Hammer Attack", "Ghost Hunter" or "Alien Darts" in some packaging manuals. On the top of the screen, a symbol is used to represent the correct/wrong button press, usually "X" and "O", or in some version, a smile or frown.
A matching game consisting of three different shaped blocks appear at the top and bottom of the screen. The upper blocks will descend down and the player must match the lower blocks with its upper counterpart. A less common variant uses Tetris pieces instead of the usual squares.
A combination of both Breakout and the previous shooting games in which players shoot at a predefined block of pixels (which can shoot one of it's pixels at them) without getting shot by one of the blocks from the image.
Randomly-generated rows of blocks will gradually descend down the screen, and the player must shoot them before they reach the bottom. A variant also exists where the player have to shoot randomly generated blocks instead of rows, and have the ability to gain two shooters at the cost of one life. The player loses if any blocks reach the bottom.
A Snake game. Usually only appears in models with four directional buttons. In which the player tries to obtain the randomly placed "fruit" in the playfield without touching a wall or themselves. Rather then continually get longer like you would in Snake, however, the player stops growing after eating only 13 fruits, causing the snake to restart to beginning size, and creating another maze of obstacles. This in turn makes it more of a game of endurance rather then strategy.